Chapter 57: Hold the Potatoes!

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*Tiffany’s POV*

          Yesterday was the worst day of my life, and that was saying something. I loved all the guys, and I still do. They healed my torn heart….wow, sappy much? But they really took care of me, and I wasn’t going to forget that. But I can’t believe that they didn’t trust me!

          “Sarah! Please! Don’t make me watch it!” I begged, trying to jerk my arm out of her hands as she dragged me towards the TV. She shook her head at me.

          “Nope. You’re watching it.”

          “Please Sarah! I can’t…..I can’t see them.” Her gaze softened a little, but her grip held strong.

          “Nope. You need to see it.”

          “Why the hell do I need to? I was there! You go and watch it.”

          “Just…..just watch it. Please? For me?” I bit my lip and felt guilty, even though I didn’t do anything! Just her expression….it was heartbreaking. God damn it.

          “Fine.” I sat on the couch angrily, expecting her to squeal with glee. So she surprised me when she just sat next to me quietly.

          “Thanks,” she whispered. I stared at her in surprise, but nodded. She turned on MTV, just in time.

          “Welcome to Looking for You! I’m your host, Ceci! No time for chit-chat, let’s get this episode started! So, after the winners were collected they headed off to their secret location in….you know it, Hawaii! Sunny, tropical beaches for all! One Direction and the girls knew that they would be on a television show, but what they don’t know is….that we’ve been secretly recording them the whole time! Even if it seemed off camera!”

Hold the potatoes, what!??!?!

          “That’s right! I bet all the boys and contestants watching this will be surprised! It was a secret, and before any of you blow your steam you guys signed a contract saying we could record you!”

I cannot believe this. All those secret conversations….not so secret anymore. I’m totally going to get hated!

          “Just right after everybody went backstage, there was some drama! Let’s take a look!” The screen flashed to an overhead security camera. You couldn’t hear what they were saying, but you could see me talking to Niall, and then get pulled away. I cringed as I saw myself get surrounded by the girls. And later when Harry was talking to me… heart cracked a bit.

          “Well, looks like some girls have it for our Tiff! Maybe they’re jealous? Looks like Tiffany and Niall are already off to a close relationship. But what about Tiffany and Harry? They looked pretty cuddly just now!  So, who’s it going to be? Tiall? Or Tarry?” Tiall?! What the hell!? That sounded weird!

“We got permission from the airline to put secret cameras around the airplane to record the contestants!”

Yeah right, probably more like bribed them with a million bucks.

“And luckily we did! Because already, there was even more drama in the plane! Take a look!” The screen shot to another overhead camera, this time trained on our row of seats. I saw Zayn and I fall asleep, and I rolled on top of him. Unconsciously, he wrapped his arms around me. Aw, we looked cute!

“Looks like some Tayn is going on!” Tayn? Great, first Tarry, then Tiall, and now Tayn? Why did the guys names always dominate?

“Tiffany is already getting close to 3 of the guys in One Direction! Perhaps that’s why the others are jealous.” I saw Rachel bring me to the back of the bathroom, and she yelled at me while I yelled at her.

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