Chapter 39: Elounor </3

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*Louis’ POV*

          My first thought when I realized I was awake….why in the world is my head in the toilet? My stomach lurched, and I threw up again. Oh yeah, that’s why.

          ……when in the world am I going to stop? I must have puked out my lungs by now! Huh, maybe I can find them? I looked into the bowl, and my stomach lurched again. Yeah, probably not the best idea ever.

          “Lou? You ok?” I heard someone turn on the bathroom light, and a small warm hand rubbed my back. I moaned into the toilet, throwing up again.

          “What do you think?” I said, trying to sound sarcastic. I just sounded like a dying whale.

          “Well, considering how much you’re puking into the toilet, I’d say fit as a fiddle!” They said sarcastically. I frowned, leaning my head against the toilet seat. The bathroom light hurt my eyes, and I closed them moaning.

          “I would rather be as fit as Herb.” I smirked.

          “Who’s Herb?”

          “The fittest guy alive!” I could almost hear them rolling their eyes. 

          “Are you sure you’re not still drunk?”

          “Well, let me see.” I put my hand in front of my head. They were a bit blurry, but I could count them easily. “Five fingers, all and accounted for with no extra buddies. Nope, not drunk.”

“Oh, go shove your head in the toilet.”

          “Gladly,” I moaned, and I retched into the toilet again. I heard a little shudder.

          “You’re lucky that the others are asleep. I’m deathly scared of people throwing up.” The voice sounded sheepish. I chuckled- what kind of fear was that? None of the guys had it so it must have been………

          “Tiffany?” I groaned, forcing my eyes open. I saw her kneeling next to me, her hand on my back and her face turned the other direction. She was still in her pajamas, and the back of her hair was a little ruffled.

          “What, you couldn’t tell?” she said.

          “Well excuse me. I was talking to the toilet bowl. We were having such a nice conversation,” I said sarcastically.

          “Yeah, I could hear it,” she said, poking my back. Her head was still turned towards the door, and I smirked.

          “Aren’t you going to look at me?”

          “Not until you finish throwing up…and flushing the toilet.” I lay there for a bit…..nothing felt weird. I think I am done.

          “Well, I feel fine now,” I said, and flushed the toilet. She turned around smiling at me, and my eyes widened. Her eyes were drooping slightly, sparkling that pretty brown. Her hair was slightly messy, and it waved around her slim face. She had that morning glow around her slightly pale face, but her cheeks were a rosy pink. She looked hot!

          “Damn girl, you look fiiiiiine in the morning!” I said, drawling out my voice. She rolled her eyes, slapping my shoulder.

          “Stop lying and go brush your teeth.” I tried to get up, but my stomach churned a little. Shit. I shoved my head back into the toilet.

          “Louis!” Tiffany groaned. I retched one last time, but nothing came out. “You said you were done!”

          “Sorry,” I mumbled, pulling my head out. She looked at me in disgust.

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