Chapter 19: All's Fair in Love and Food Fights

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*Tiffany’s POV*

          LALALALA I’M SO DRUNK RIGHT NOW AREN’T I?!?!?! I giggled at the absurdity of my brain. I sloshed the beer in my hand onto the seat, leaning against Harry who was cuddling into my side.

          “I WANNA DANCE!” I yelled, jerking Harry to the dance floor. A beat vibrated through my legs, and I perked up. I started dancing, whipping my hair around. Harry copied me, dancing along. I was laughing, stumbling repeatedly against Harry. He eventually got bored, and looked over at Louis, who was sitting on Niall’s lap. My heart gave a little pang, and I looked at my chest, shocked. ME NO SAD! ME NO EVER SAD! HAHAHA yeah right.

          “BOOBEAR!!!!! GET OVER HERE!!!!!!!” Louis looked up and smiled at Harry, who was walking over. Nobody steals my dance partner! I flung myself at Harry’s leg, and held on tight, not caring that my dress would probably get dirty.

          “NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! DON’T LEAVE ME!!!!!!!!!” He shook me off and grabbed Louis’ hand, pulling him to the dance floor. I laughed and sat on Niall’s lap, who looked at me strangely. Well, Niall was still cute. ME LIKEY!

          Next thing I knew, I had somehow convinced him to dance with me on the dance floor. LMFAO sounded throughout the room, and I was jutting my hips forward like I actually had a penis. Huh, I wonder what it would be like to have a penis. I bet it would be uncomfortable, having something just swinging around. I giggled, and grinded against the body behind me. Wait, since when was I grinding anyone?

          “Louis passed out. Guess you’re mine again.” I looked to see Harry looking at me, his hands on my waist. “Not that I mind, you sexy thang.” I giggled again, and wrapped my arms around his neck.

          “You better be glad I like you Styles!” I said, moving my hips along with his. He grinned at me.

          “I like you too! Go out with me?”

          “You know it!” He started kissing my neck and I giggled. IT TICKLED! MWAHAHAHAH! It felt like fuzzy bunnies were cuddling in my neck. I opened my eyes to see Niall and Stella making out. My heart dropped, and I shrieked. The cutesy couple jerked away, looking at me. Stella slyly smirked at me, while Niall just looked shocked. My Niall! He’s mine! Oh wait…I have Harry. Suck my dick!...if I had one.

          “YOU GUYS MAKE A CUTE COUPLE!!!!”  They looked at me shocked. “WE CAN GO ON DOUBLE DATES AND STUFF!” Niall’s eyes widened, and he shoved Stella away.

          “WHAT?!?!?” he yelled. I covered my ears.

          “CALM YOUR TITS DOWN NIALL!” He ignored me, grabbing my shoulders. I winced as his grip tightened.

          “Who are you dating?” I giggling and looked up at Harry’s smirk.

          “I just asked her out dude! Now go ask Stella out!” Niall’s grip tightened even more, and I winced.

          “But I like you!” Niall shouted. I rolled my eyes.

          “Well then ask me out before my panda asks me out!” I had no idea why Harry was even close to a panda. It just came to my mind. Niall glared at me, his hands getting tighter by the second. I winced, frightened. “Niall! Stop! You’re hurting me!” Harry tried to pull me away.

          “Let go man! What are you doing?!” Pain shot through my body, and I blacked out.

*The next morning…*

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