Chapter 85: The True Boys

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*Tiffany’s POV*

“Hi everybody! Welcome back to Looking For You!” She turned towards me. “So, that past performance was a shocker! Very amusing, if I do say so myself. I loved your costume!”

“Thanks, I think it was dope,” I said grinning at her.

“So explain your song for us? Why did you pick that song?”

“Well, the artist is Shane Dawson, one of my favorite Youtubers on the planet! He’s hilarious! Even though he’s not really an independent artist, he’s made some amazing songs, and I absolutely love them all! But this song was his first, and I absolutely adore the lyrics in this one. It’s so sweet, to hear about how he’s going to save the girl he loves.” I sighed. “So I decided to spread that message.”

“Where’d you get the idea for your costume then?”

“My inspiration was his own music video, where he wears a similar costume to the one I chose. It’s a lot better than what I did, but what can you do?” I said, shrugging.

“Remind me to look him up, he sounds hilarious!”

“He definitely is,” I said. Suddenly I got an idea, and I turned towards the camera. “Shoutout to Shane! If you’re watching I absolutely love you and I want you to marry me!”

“Wow, cheating on me already,” I heard Liam snort. I rolled my eyes.

“Come on babe, you know you’re the only one for me,” I said, winking at him. I turned back towards the camera. “As for all you people who are not Shane, go check out his Youtube channel and subscribe!”

“Wow, you’re really hyper right now,” Ceci noticed.

“I think the performance rush is getting to me,” I admitted. With a laugh, Ceci turned to Molly.

“How about you Molly? What inspired you to pick that song?”

“Well, who doesn’t love Justin Bieber? Or Nicki Minaj?” I gave a small grimace as the girls in the back cheered. Justin Bieber, maybe. But Nicki….have you seen what her songs are about?!

“That outfit before was inspired by Nicki’s outfit, right?”

“Yup! I think Nicki is an inspiration to all girls!” I literally gaped at her for that one. “She’s such an amazing rapper, and she tells girls that she wants to keep the sexy in her songs, but not be too sexy and hoe-like like all the past rappers.” Are….you…freaking….kidding me?!?!

[AN: I swear to god I’m not lying. This is LITERALLY what Nicki said. Go look it up if you don’t believe me. Just…]

“Wow, that’s certainly an interesting thought!” She turned to the boys. “Who do you think won this round?”

“They’re both amazing singers, so really this round could go to anyone,” Liam said shrugging.

“Ok, new question. Who do you want to win?”

“That is an unfair advantage,” Louis said quickly. “We support both of them equally.” Ceci rolled her eyes.

“Sure, sure. Anyway, let’s see the winner of this round!” We turned to the screen, where the familiar pictures and bars popped up. The bars filled up quickly, and this time there was no contest who won.

“It’s a win for Molly!” Molly squealed and clapped her hands happily. I gave her a sincere smile- I definitely knew I wasn’t going to win this one. The audience definitely wouldn’t vote for a girl who ran around in  cape and spandex. Still, I had no regrets. I loved my performance.  

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