Chapter 30: Sophie and the Cheese

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[AN: The beginning of this chapter is based off of a true story. No matter how weird or stupid it seems XD]

*Tiffany’s POV*

          I frowned at Harry, confused. “Tell you what?” He rolled his eyes.

          “About your shoulder, for one thing. And who beat you up! So that we can return the favor.” The guys got dark looks in their eyes. Niall even cracked his knuckles. I chuckled, but I inside I was confused. I wasn’t sure if I should tell them about the girls. I mean, no real harm done, right?.....

Ok, I was just lying to myself. They probably could’ve killed me! But I didn’t want them to hate me even more than they did. I didn’t want their dream to be taken away from them, because they worked for this more than I did! I can’t believe I became such a sap.

          “Honestly, it’s nothing. It was only once, I swear. I’m not a cutter,” I said, trying to get attention away from the most recent incident. Niall rolled his eyes.

          “You’re still a cutter if you’ve cut once.” Uh, no you’re not!....not really.

          “Fine, whatever. I’m a cutter that will never cut again. Woopie.” I waved my arms in the air. The guys weren’t amused.

          “Seriously Tiffany, why would you do that?” Zayn barked out, crossing his arms angrily.

          “Chillax dude! Seriously, it’s practically almost a tattoo! Nothing bad.”

          “Then why didn’t you show us earlier?” Louis whispered. I craned my head to look at the words, sighing.

          “Honestly? Because I didn’t think it was a real big thing, in my opinion.” I held up my hand, stopping the furious words that were coming. “Plus, it’s not like I’m going to be all ‘Hey One Direction! I have scars that have insulting words all over my shoulder, want to see?’ I mean, that would be just stupid.”

          “Still! You couldn’t have told someone?” Harry retorted. “You couldn’t have told me?” he whispered, hurt in his eyes. I smiled at him, squeezing his hand.

          “Honestly babe, I didn’t think it was important. It was a long time ago.”

          “Fine. Then tell us what happened,” Niall chirped. They looked at me expectantly. Probably waiting for me to burst in tears. Ha, yeah right. I was sooo over it.

          “Gladly,” I said. They looked at me shocked. “I was bullied at school for being a nerd, sexually harassed once as a kid, my parents seemed to not care about me whatsoever, I had no friends because I was a nerd, and I was miserable,” I stated, counting off on my fingers. Their jaws dropped. “So yeah, wasn’t exactly feeling the best at the time. Oh, did I mention it was all before I turned 11?” No movement. “Oh shut your traps guys, it’s not that bad.”

          “Not that bad?” Louis choked out. “Of course it’s bad! You got sexually harassed?”

          “Yeah, not a big deal. It was a onetime encounter. The kid was drunk, tried to flirt with me. I obviously rejected him, and he just did some stuff. Luckily, we were in the school hallway, so the bell rang before he could do anything permanent.” I shrugged, rolling my eyes. I don’t even know how that kid managed to go to all his classes, considering how wasted he was. It wasn’t even a big deal, looking back on it. At least he didn’t actually rape me or anything.

          “So, how’d it happen?” Harry said, gesturing at my shoulder. I looked at it, grimacing.

          “Honestly, I don’t know.”

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