Chapter 42: Fall in Love

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[AN: Ok, so I almost never do ANs at the beginning, so you know this is important!....sortof. I posted another fanfic! This is a bromance one, with Lilo because I adore Lilo fanfics <3 idky I don't really ship them XD anyways, it's called "Alone With Nowhere To Go" and it's a collab between me and my wattpad bestie priyanka1808! If you could PLEASE  read it, because i promise it's really good :) ok, now onto the story!!!!]

*Tiffany’s POV*

          It was so beautiful! I mean, we had seen Hawaiian beaches before, but it was still breathtaking. The yellow sand littered the coastline, growing darker in color as the glossy waves crashed against the shore. The sun beat down on the ground, but not so harshly I was going all vampire-mode. To make it even better, there was nobody here! Well, besides us and the camera crew, obviously.

          “Come on, let’s go get a good spot before its gone!” Liam said sarcastically. I laughed and followed him onto the soft sand. I giggled as my feet sank, and the warm sand covered my toes. I followed Liam to a spot where the palm trees shaded part of the sand. “Let’s go here. That way, we don’t have to get sunburned the whole time.”

          “Great!” Alyssa said. Like robots, the girls all pulled out beach towels from their Gucci/Prada/Mark Anthony bags, laid it down on the sand, and stretched out on it. They placed sunglasses on the faces and lay still. It was creepy, and hilarious at the same time. It totally reminded me of the twins!

          “Are you guys going to just lay there?” Molly called out. They all nodded. “Weirdos,” she muttered. I barked out a laugh. She threw off her heels and ran into the water. “Come on Tiff! It’s so warm!”

          “Coming!” I called, throwing my shoes on hers. I dropped my shorts and slowly pulled off my top, trying not to mess up my hair. Not like it wasn’t going to be ruined anyway.

          “God damn.” I turned around to see the boys staring at me, Zayn looking at me smugly. Liam was checking me out subtly, while Louis looked at me shocked. Embarrassingly, Harry was openly gaping. Harry quickly shut his trap, and smiled at me.

          “You look absolutely sexy princess.” I grinned at them, throwing my shirt aside.

          “You look amazing!” Louis yelled.

          “You look beautiful,” Liam said. I looked at Niall, who was just looking at me.

          “Well? Niall? What do you think?” Louis said, grinning as he nudged Niall’s ribs. Niall glanced at me again, and shrugged.

          “She looks nice.” I frowned, trying not to let my eyes water. Even though it was over the top, I sort of wanted Niall to think I was pretty. Wait, since when did I care what Niall thought how I looked? Suddenly, there was a sound of a smack, and a cry of shock. I looked up quickly to see Harry glaring at Niall, who was holding a hand to his cheek, staring at Harry.

          “She does not look nice,” Harry growled. My heart sank. “She looks much better than that!” He walked over to me, smiling softly at me. “She looks like a goddess.” My heart started fluttering again, and I felt on top of the world.

          “Thanks Harry. That means a lot.” I grinned at him and hugged him tightly. Those butterflies in my stomach fluttered like crazy! It feel so good to have his toned abs pressed against mine….god this was not the appropriate time!

          “Oh….my….god.” I pulled away and turned my head to see Molly gaping at me. She was dripping wet from the salty waters, but her hair was miraculously dry. “What happened to your shoulder?” Oh, right. Forgot about that. I shrugged at her.

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