Chapter 87: Hubba Hubba!

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[A/N: I know I promised long chapters, but I promise this will be the last "short" chapter. It's just short because I'm too lazy to fix it XD]

*Tiffany’s POV*

Suddenly, Niall snapped his fingers, and I swear a light bulb lit up over his head.

          He started to unbutton his shirt, and I gaped at him. Why does everybody seem to start taking off their clothes when I’m having a moment?!

          “Niall!” I screeched. “This is not the time to be having a strip!”

          “I’m not having a strip!” He SO is having a strip. He took off his shirt, showing off his bare chest. I couldn’t help but stare at his toned muscles. He tossed his shirt at me and started unbuttoning his belt. “Wear my clothes.”

          “What?!” I screeched. “But…but I can’t! You’ll be the one naked then!”

          “Hey, it’s fine, it’s not like I’m performing anymore. I’m the only one who fits your size anyway. Sure it might be indecent, but I can explain. I’ll get some bonus points from the fans.” He winked at me. “Maybe some points from the ladies too.”

          “Niall……” I felt my tears fall again, this time from joy. I raced up to the almost naked boy and hugged him tight. “I love you so much. You’re amazing. Thank you.”

          “It’s fine Tiffany, I love you too.” He gave me a quick hug before shrugging off his pants. “Now put these on! We can’t keep the crowd waiting.” I quickly buttoned up his shirt and slipped on his pants. Luckily he had a belt, otherwise they would be falling off my hips. It was a bit too long, so I rolled up the sleeves and the jeans. Lou, teary faced, quickly fixed my hair and makeup.

          “Let’s go guys.” I motioned the guys to walk ahead, but I grabbed Niall’s hand. “I’m walking with you. It’s the least I can do.” He grinned at me and held my hand tightly. We walked onstage, where Ceci was laughing with Ed and Demi. When the crowd caught sight of Niall though, the room got silent and everybody stared. Ceci turned around at Ed’s incredulous look and Demi’s gaping stare. She gaped at Niall.

          “Well well well, what happened to you Niall?” Niall grinned easily at her and quickly sat down in his seat next to the boys. Seeing that Ed was sitting on my spot, I went to sit by Niall’s feet.

          “Let’s just say that we had a little wardrobe malfunction, so I decided to give Tiffany my clothes,” Niall said simply. Ceci gave me a glance, appraising my clothes choice.

          “Want to explain what happened?”

          “All the clothes disappeared!!” I gave a wicked cackle that turned into a real laugh. “But no really, all my clothes are gone. So Niall decided to be the naked one instead of me.” I grinned at the audience. “But I’m sure you girls don’t mind, yeah?” The girls screamed loudly.

          “You are really the sweetest thing Niall!” Ceci cooed. But she quickly put her business face back on. “So Tiffany, I was just talking to Ed and Demi here, they say you’re friends with them?’

          “I’m….friends….with freaking Ed Sheeran?! And Demi Lovato?!” I couldn’t help but gape at 2 of my idols. They both smiled at me.

          “Course love!” Ed’s smile grew. “A friend of the boys is a friend of mine!”

          “What about me?” Molly batted her eyelashes at Ed. He coughed and looked at her uncomfortably.

          “Uh………….” I wanted to laugh right there and then. Looks like they didn’t like Molly either.

          “So Tiffany, you must come to visit us sometime!” Wow, quick save Demi! I chuckled at Molly’s outraged expression.

          “God, I can’t believe that you just invited me. This is like a dream come true. Hell yeah I will!” Both Ed and Demi laughed.

          “So Ed, Demi, one last question. What do you hope from the girls for their last song?”

          “Something that will make me remember it for years to come. I want it to impress me!” Ed said.

          “I want to be able to feel the emotion they are trying to express, even if the lyrics don’t exactly fit right. Songs are all about the emotion.” Demi gave me and Molly a small smile.

          “Thank you guys so much for volunteering! Let’s give them a big round of applause!” The room was deafening as people cheered for the two. They gave everybody a smile as they walked back to their seats. Ceci turned to me.

          “So, how do you feel about those two?” I gave her a look.

          “Are you kidding? I’m on top of the world! They’re 2 of my favorite artists ever! So inspiring!”

          “And how do you feel about your loss of the last round?” I had lost? I looked up at the screen. The bars were already up there. Molly had won, but honesty not by that much. I shrugged at Ceci.

          “Well, congrats Molly! Didn’t know that before, but you did an amazing job! ‘Kiss You’ is an awesome song.”

          “Thanks Tiff!” Molly chirped before looking away.

          “That’s all the time we have for questions today, so let’s get singing!” The crowd cheered, and we all walked backstage. Lou was grinning widely and holding something in her arm.

          “Tiffany, guess what I found?” She pulled the thing out and I gasped. It was my dress! The one I was going to wear!

          “Where did you find that?” Molly blurted out. Lou gave her a look.

          “It was in a locked room in the back. It was supposed to be empty, so I got the producers to unlock it. All of your clothes were in there! I was so surprised! Looks like the culprit didn’t do a very good job hiding them.” Molly looked beet red and stalked away. Ha, that’s what you get.

          “Tiffany, go get changed now!” Lou told me as Ceci announced Molly’s start. I grabbed the dress and gave Lou a big hug.

          “Thanks Lou, thank you for everything.”

          “You’re welcome dear. Now go!” With a laugh she pushed me towards my dressing stall. The last thing I saw before closing the curtain was an angry Molly stalking up onstage.


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