Chapter 93: And the Winner is.............

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......Ok, I freaking suck. I'M SUCH A TERRIBLE WRITER I'M SORRY!! :'( I REALLY HAVE NO EXCUSE!! (well, I do....but you guys still won't be happy so I won't give any XD) All I can say is that I'm sorry x 100000000000 and I hope the next chapter pleases you all...who haven't deleted this from your libraries.

On a more happier note, for those of you who are still interested, I have completed like around half of the sequel! YES THERE IS A SEQUEL!! However I cannot promise regular updates! I will post as often as I can, that's all I can promise from now on.



*Tiffany’s POV*

          I  sat down with Alissa and Angel in another group of chairs. Just beyond me were Molly and her parents. Ceci sat in the middle of the stage, facing us.

          “So, let’s start with Tiffany’s guests. Hi darling, can you tell us your name?” she asked, holding the mike out to Angel. She looked at the ground shyly.

          “Angel,” she murmured. The audience cooed, and she buried her face in my hair. I chuckled and rubbed her back comfortingly.

          “Such a sweet name. So, we’ve all seen how you and Tiffany met at the park. Want to tell us about that?”

          “I was lost, and I didn’t know where my mommy was. And Tiffy helped me. She’s nice!”

          “I know she is,” Ceci said, giving her a smile. “Now you Alissa. What is your relationship with Tiffany?”

          “We’re married.” The audience burst out in laughter, and Alissa waggled her eyebrows at them.

          “So I see,” Ceci joked. “Where’s the ring then?”

          “I don’t know. Where is the ring Tiffany?” she said, giving me a smirk. I put a serious expression on my face and took her hand.

          “Alissa, babe, I’m sorry. But I can’t keep it in anymore….I threw it away. I’m cheating on you.” She gave a fake gasp.

          “Cheating? How could you! I thought you loved me! We were married for 20 years! How could you do this to me?”

          “We’re only 16,” I pointed out.

          “Exactly! We were made for each other!” She pretended to sob, and the audience gave sad ‘aw’.

          “I’m sorry babe! It killed me every time I saw you,” I said, clasping my hands over my heart dramatically. “But I fell in love with someone else!”

          “But I love you!” she said, just as dramatic. I looked at the ceiling thoughtfully.

          “Well then, I guess I could have 2 wives. That’s legal somewhere, right?”

          “So I’m a girl now?” Liam asked, sounding outraged. But I saw the teasing sparkle in his eyes.

          “Who said I was talking about you?” Liam gave me a confused look, but I just smirked at Harry. “Ready for the wedding Hazza?”

          “You bet,” he said cheekily. Liam gaped at Harry, and we all burst out laughing at his expression.

          “Ok ok, enough now. No, we’re just best of best of best of best of-“

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