Chapter 54: Tiall Text

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[AN: Hey guys, so this is the long awaited (not really) tiall chapter!!! :D it's all in text though, which reminded me. obviously, all the guys have different texting styles, and niall's is...not the best XD IT'S ANOTHER PEN PAL PROJECT COPY!! I'M SORRY!! I DIDN'T KNOW!! apparetnly, she also put in a blonde girl named Rachel and a girl named Molly! MY BRAIN IS TRYING TO FREAK WITH ME! anywhovian, so yeah niall is a bad texter, and tiffany misspells stuff all the time XD so sorry if it gets fustrating to read XD and sorry if it gets confusing, just make sure you see whether its "To Ni" or "From Ni" or whoever XD


*Tiffany’s POV*

          “Hi mom, dad,” I said, sliding my phone shut. My parents stood at the doorway, smiling at me. They were both in business clothes, looking dressed up and professional. My mom looked like she had gotten her hair done, because it was in bouncy black curls instead of her usual wavy hair. Her makeup was done neutrally, but it still highlighted her young-looking face. She looked like she was 30 instead of 40. My dad was a normal Asian dad- a slight pot belly, wearing a normal suit and tie. He held his briefcase in his hand, and smiled at me while he fixed his glasses. Your typical Asian family.

          “Tiffany! How was your vacation?” My mom ran over to me, hugging me tightly. I gave her a light hug.

          “It was fun.” She pulled back a bit and looked down at my body, pursing her lips.

"You've gained weight." I rolled my eyes.

"Well I am a growing girl," I said sarcastically. She laughed.

"Tiff, you haven't grown in the past year. At least, not height wise."

"You'll always be our little shortie," my dad teased. I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Tiffany, respect your father!" my mother scolded. I resisted the urge to roll  my eyes.

"Sorry Ba," I muttered. She smiled at me.

"Thank you. So, how was vacation?" She looked at me expectantly, but I really didn’t want to talk to her.

“Excuse me, Sarah and I are going to my room.” I pulled on Sarah’s hand and dragged her to my room, ignoring the stares my parents gave me. I shut the door behind me and shoved a bunch of clothes in front of it.

          “Wow, aren’t you obvious.”

          “Shut up Sarah.”

          “Don’t you think you could be a little bit nicer?”

          “How about they try being nice first? Yeah?”

          “Jeez girl. You’re all nice and cheery to girls who practically assaulted you, but you can’t forgive your own parents for not picking you up?”

          “That’s different,” I grumbled. I started to pick up my clothes off the floor, trying to clean the space a bit. Sarah rolled her eyes at me.

          “Sure it is. Come on Tiff, just be nice.”

          “You don’t know them. They’re never there,” I snap. She just looked at me, and I sighed. “Look, can we just drop it? I really don’t want to talk about this. How about you help me text the guys?”

          “You don’t need my help,” she snorted. But she let me change the subject, and started fangirling over how hot the boys were. I chuckled, but barely listened to her. I was still thinking about…..them.

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