Chapter 25: Devil to Angel

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*Tiffany’s POV*

          “Good night everyone!” I gave my lazy salute to the room, and everybody followed me to the bedrooms. I ran into my room, locking the bathroom before the others could barge in. Zayn knocked angrily on the door.

          “Let me in! I need to pee!” I rolled my eyes and unlocked the door, making him stumble.

          “Fine. But close the door! I don’t really want to be scarred for life!”

          “Ha! Please. Everybody wants to see this,” he said, gesturing at his body. I snorted.

          “Please! What, at most it would be an inch?” He slapped me and I laughed. He went into the bathroom and I grabbed my toothbrush.

          I had just finished washing my face when he walked back out, now shirtless. I spat out the water in my mouth.

          “What do you do, strip when you go?” I muttered. He smirked at me.

          “What, you getting turned on?” I checked him out quickly, and bit the inside of my cheek. No matter what I said, there was no doubt that Zayn had some abs on that tan body of his. I turned my gaze back to my wet face.

          “Please. In your dreams.” I grabbed a towel, patting my face dry.

          “Oh that’s right. You’re too busy thinking about your boyfriend’s bod.” I narrowed my eyes, and slapped him with the towel. “Hey!”

          “Boyfriend?” We turned to see Rachel, wearing only a black lace bra and panties. Zayn rolled his eyes, averting his gaze. “What boyfriend? Who would be a boyfriend with a…..with you?” I glared at her.

          “Uh, for your information, yes I have a boyfriend. I’ve had one for…not that long. But he is real.” She smirked at me, placing a hand on her hip.

          “Oh really. Then what’s his name?” I blanched, and looked at Zayn pleadingly. He shrugged, keeping his gaze at the mirror while he brushed his teeth. Thanks bud. Real help you are.

          “Uh…..his name is…….Liam!” I flinched while her eyes bulged out of her head, and Zayn spat out his toothpaste all over the mirror. God, why did I say that name?! Well, it was the only name I could think of……I fiddled with my necklace, shuffling awkwardly.

          “YOU ARE NOT DATING SOMEONE FROM ONE DIRECTION!!!” she screeched. She looked ready to murder me. One Direction? What……..I realized my mistake, and waved my hands defensively.

          “No no no no no! Not this Liam! It’s a different Liam! I promise!” She calmed down a little, but her fists were still clenched.

          “What’s his last name,” she spat. I felt my eyes start to water, and I clenched my shoulder, hissing from the pain.

          “……….Green.” I murmured, closing my eyes softly. I opened my eyes to see Rachel staring at me. I took a step back, but didn’t turn my gaze. We stared at each other as an awkward silence filled the air. Suddenly, she smirked at me.

          “Good. Just so we’re clear.” Wait, what? Clear on what? There was something to clear? She gave a little laugh, flipping her hair as she walked back into the bedroom. Zayn sighed, wiping the bubbles off the mirror.

          “So…..Liam Green, ay?” I tugged at the charm.

          “It’s the only name I could think of,” I whispered. Zayn looked at me closely, and gave me a hug. I sighed, snuggling into his warm arms that surrounded me.

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