Chapter 52: Paparazzi

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*Niall’s POV*

I ran to the bathroom, ignoring the stares of the other passengers, and threw myself into the small compartment, slamming the lock shut. I shoved my head into my arms and screamed as loud as I could. Kicking the toilet, I slammed it shut and screamed in my hands again. I heard a knocking on the door.

          “Sir? Are you ok in there?”

          “Yeah, I’m fine,” I said, my voice cracking. I grabbed the counter and closed my eyes, sobbing quietly. I looked at the mirror to see my red eyes puffy. God, I was hideous. No wonder Tiffany didn’t like me. Everybody just had to like her, didn’t they. But I couldn’t really be mad at them- she was so amazing.

          I don’t know how long I stayed in there, just crying on the toilet. I yelled at everyone who banged on the door- just use the other bathroom for gods sakes! I needed to be alone, to be away from the boys…away from her.

          This is your captain speaking. We will be landing in 5 minutes. Please sit down and buckle your seatbelt. I splashed water on my face, rubbing my eyes until the redness went down. I shuffled out of the bathroom and walked back to my seat. Elizabeth smiled at me, with worry in her eyes.

          “Hey, I missed you babe. Are you ok? Where were you?”

          “Don’t call me that. And leave me alone,” I snapped. She looked at me offended.

          “Well excuse me for caring,” she retorted, and she angrily turned away from me. Good, leave me alone bitch. She turned around slowly, gaping at me.

          “What….did you say?” Did I say that out loud? By the way she was staring at me, I must have. Whatever, I really didn’t care right now.

          “What, did you not hear me the first time?” I said sarcastically. I was surprised when she slapped me across the face. I could feel my face burning, but honestly it didn’t hurt that much. I glared at her, and she pulled back, looking horrified.

          “Oh my god, I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean-“

          “Sure you didn’t,” I growled. I turned away from her, and I could hear her sobbing behind me. Whatever. As soon as the plane landed, I grabbed my bag and ran off the plane, ignoring the cries from behind me. I ran to Paul and he smiled at me.

          “Hey, where are the others?”

          “On the plane. Can we just go? They can catch up!” Paul frowned.

          “Sorry Niall, we have to  wait for them.” Are you fucking serious!? I groaned and threw myself into the nearest seat, facing away from the terminal. I could hear the other guys walk up eventually, talking to Paul. I ignored them and kept my gaze on my legs. Liam tried to talk to me, but I just shoved him away. I really didn’t want to talk to anyone.

          “Niall?” Of course, she has to come. “Niall? What happened? Talk to me?” I looked up to snap at her, but as soon as I saw her……..I just couldn’t be mad anymore. She looked at me worriedly, and my heart fluttered when I saw how much she cared about me.

          “Nothing, I’m just thinking about stuff……” She rolled her eyes.

          “It can’t be just stuff if you yelled at Elizabeth and you were crying in the bathroom.” How did she know about that? I looked at her curiously. “You ran past us, and I saw how red your eyes were. You obviously cried, or did drugs. I’m going with former.” I chuckled slightly. She always knew how to make me feel better.

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