Chapter 75: Friends Stick Together

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[A/N: Guess.........I have news...........I'M #724 ON TEEN FICTION FOR THIS STORY!!!!! :D :D :D :D AAAUUUUGGGGHH!!!!! *bursts into tears* THANK....YOU...ALL...SOOO...MUCH!!!!! I'M CRYING SO HARD!!! This is SO amazing!!! I've never been so far down the list!!!! :') and it's all thanks to you guys. Thank you all so, so, so, so, so much! I feel so proud of my story, I'm so honored that I have so many fans, and thank you all so so much for commenting, for voting, for reading, and for most of all supporting my story! Just...thank you all!!!! <3]

*Zayn’s POV*

          “You guys cheated!” Louis whined. Rachel grinned victorious at him.

          “No, you guys just suck,” she said, sticking her tongue out at him. We had just finished our 3rd game, with Liam, Rachel, and me against Harry, Louis, and Niall. As so far, we had won all 3 games.

          “You guys must have cheated!” Harry protested.

          “So what if we did?” Liam crowed. “We still won!”

          “I call a rematch!” Niall yelled angrily. Suddenly my phone rang.

          “Shut up guys, Tiffany is calling!” Everybody got silent. I put the phone up to my ear. “Vas happenin Tiff?”

          “Hey Zayn,” she said quietly. “You guys have to come back to the stage now. We’re going to practice our songs together.” She sounded sad for some reason.

          “Are you ok Tiff?” Liam looked at me worriedly. “What’s wrong?”

          “Nothing, bro. Just thinking. I’ll see you in a bit.” She hung up. I slowly pulled the phone away.

          “What happened? Is she hurt?” Liam asked quickly. He looked like he was going to cry, and he didn’t even know if she was actually hurt. I smiled at that thought.

          “She wasn’t hurt,” I said assuredly. He relaxed a bit, but I could still see the worry in his eyes.

          “Then why were you asking her if she was?”

          “She just sounded…..weird on the phone,” I said hesitantly. He stood up quickly.

          “We should be getting back then.” We all nodded and threw our bowling shoes at the attendant as we quickly raced out of the bowling alley to the dome. Liam ran the quickest out of all of us, leading the way as he burst backstage.

          “Tiffany?!” Liam called out frantically. He ran onstage and sighed with relief when he caught sight of her on the side. He ran to her, hugging her tightly. “Tiffany, there you are! What happened, are you ok?” Tiffany looked blankly at him.

          “I’m fine, why wouldn’t I be?” she said flatly. I looked at her closely. She was even more pale than usual, and her eyes lost that familiar sparkle they always had. She looked like someone had just died or something.

          “You know that’s not true,” Liam said gruffly. “What’s wrong?”

          “Nothing,” she snapped. She pulled away from Liam and walked on stage. “Let’s just do this.” Liam looked at her worriedly and followed her onstage.

          It was a really quick rehearsal. We all kind of sucked, because we were so worried about Tiffany. She sounded terrible- there was no life in her voice anymore, and she kept going flat on her notes.

          Molly on the other hand, sounded great, even better than usual. She was so confident on stage now! It was really inspiring actually. Tiffany refused to watch her though, even though I knew she had wanted to see what songs she sang. The moment her 2 songs were done she ran backstage.

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