Chapter 65: Tiam?

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Shoutout to CourtneyGuy8, who asked me to update today! HOPE YOU HAVE FUN WHEREVER YOU'RE GOING! :)

Shoutout to Danilovescacti, cuz here's you're Tiam! ;)

*Tiffany’s POV*

          It was 4 in the morning when we got back to the house. Which probably should have made me dead on my feet, but honestly I wasn’t tired at all. Zayn, on the other hand, was almost falling asleep at the wheel. I had to smack him every 5 minutes otherwise we’d probably just heading back to the hospital.

          “I’ll be right back, ok?” Liam said when we got to the house. I nodded at him slowly as he drove off. Where was he going? Sarah helped me drag Zayn into the house and into an empty room. Zayn instantly started snoring when we flopped him onto the bed. I shook my head. He was so weird.....cute, but weird.

          “Well, I’m probably already in trouble with my parents, so can I just crash here for the night? I’m too tired to drive,” Sarah asked me. I didn’t care, and I don’t think Liam would care.

          “Sure, there’s a spare room right there, I think,” I said pointing at the room next to Zayn’s. She nodded at me and after a quick thanks, she went to go sleep. I, on the other hand, had no idea what to do. For one, I had no idea where my room was because Liam always carried me everywhere. For another, I wasn’t sleepy at all.

          I ended up walking around the house. I had no idea where anything was, so it surprised me when I found a familiar room. I slowly walked into the movie room and sat down on the couch. I pulled my knees to my chest and pulled out my phone. I was surprised my parents hadn’t cut my phone package yet….maybe they forgot?

          I logged onto Facebook, where there were even more friend requests from strangers. I ignored those. I hadn’t even made this account- Sarah did, saying I need to be more social or whatever. So most of my ‘friends’ were just people from my school. Most of who bullied me. So of course my wall was just posted with stuff about One Direction. Half of them were threatening me to stay away from the guys. The other half wanted to be friends and tried to get me to let them meet the guys in person. I rolled my eyes. Trust me, you don’t want to meet them…at least, not most of them.

          Sarah’s twitter was pretty much the same. I didn’t like Twitter, I mean what was the point? But Sarah had insisted I at least share it with her, though I seriously had no idea why. I never did anything on Twitter. Hell, I barely even know why I have a Twitter app in the first place!

Of course, her followers had shot up by the hundreds, because by now everybody knew that we were friends. Everybody pretty much said the same thing. I ignored them and looked at the guy’s profiles.

          @Real_Liam_Payne- Had the heart attack of a lifetime! :-/

          Wow, that was fast. I was tempted to tweet him back, but I really didn’t want to raise any suspicion with his fans.

          @zaynmalik- just went to hospital for a friend……that place still scares me!

          I shook my head at that one. Hospitals were not scary! I reluctantly looked at the other guys.

          @Harry_Styles- screwed up again

          Hell yeah you did.

          @Louis_Tomlinson- trying to make it better

          Hell no you can’t.

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