Chapter 62: Ignorance

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*Tiffany’s POV*

          Harry drove us to a nearby McDonalds. It was pretty empty, which was probably good since I really didn’t want to be surrounded by 1D fans. I was feeling better by the time I woke up, especially since Liam pretty much knew what I wanted all the time. Which, like I said was weird, but useful.

          I even knew I could speak, but I honestly didn’t want to. I didn’t want to talk to Louis and Harry and Niall. If I did, I would probably end up yelling at them and crying again. I wasn’t in the best of terms with them right now. Besides, it was hilarious to see their annoyed expressions!

          Liam put me down in one of the booths and smiled at me. The other boys went up to the registers and started screaming what they wanted at the frightened and confused cashier. It took all I had not to giggle.

          “What do you want to eat?” Liam asked me. I looked up at the menu and pointed at the McFlurries. I love those things! “Ok, I’ll be right back.” He walked over to the guys and started yelling at them to calm down. I let out a tiny giggle at their abashed expressions.

          “Tiffany?” I turned to see Rachel staring at me. I gave her a tiny wave. “Oh, it is you! How are you doing?” Her head kept turning towards the door, a worried expression on her face. I shrugged at her. She cocked an eyebrow at my silence, but didn’t question it. “I’m just getting food…..with a couple of the other girls.” Oh shit.

          Suddenly the door burst open and Sara, Elizabeth, and Alyssa strutted through. Their eyes looked appraisingly at the restaurant, and their noses scrunched up.

          “Tell me again why we agreed to come to this restaurant?” Alyssa said, annoyed. Rachel rolled her eyes.

          “Because it was the only restaurant near the hotel?” Their gazes turned towards Rachel. Sara’s eye gleamed.

          “Well well well. What do we have here?” Alyssa and Elizabeth smirked at each other. They all walked up to my table. Rachel glared at them. “It’s the freak!”

          “She’s not a freak! Leave her alone,” Rachel growled, but they ignored her.

          “Of course the freak would come to McDonalds. Going to get fatter than she already is!” Elizabeth snorted.

          “She’s not fat!” Rachel retorted.

          “Oh shut up,” Alyssa snapped, shoving Rachel aside. She stumbled a bit and glared at her.

          “No, you shut up! She didn’t do anything wrong!”

          “Oh did she?” Sara hissed. “She made us ruin our popularity on the show! Before, we were the top dog!” I rolled my eyes. Top dog? Are you serious? Who says that? “But now we’re at the bottom! Why aren’t you mad?”

          “Because she deserves it! She’s a really nice girl!” I smiled at Rachel. She was the nice one! “Besides, you brought it on yourselves. Beating her up like that! Ganging up on her!”

          “Hey, you were a part of it too!” Alyssa protested. Rachel gave me a sad look.

          “I regret it every day.” She turned back to the girls. “Besides, maybe I did steal her necklace. But at least I wasn’t the one who beat her up!”

          “Oh please, we barely touched her. She had minimal injuries remember?” Elizabeth said, rolling her eyes. Rachel gaped at her.

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