Chapter 43: Camille

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[AN: Reminder! Cover art contest still going on! Details at the end of Chapter 40!]

[AN: Please read my new bromance fanfic with Lilo, called Alone with Nowhere to Go. It would mean the world to me and my collab writer Pri!]

[AN: Tallied the totals from last chapter's question. Seems like you guys like Tarry and Tiall the I bet you guys are going to LOVE! this chapter!!....and hate it XD But I'm curious...dedication in the next chapter (trust me, you want this. the next chapter is a doozie!) for the person who first guesses correctly which bromance that I like the most! you can only guess once though!]

*Tiffany’s POV*

          “You guys can do whatever you want now. We don’t really have anything planned,” Liam said after we got home and changed. The girls giggled and looked expectantly at Liam.

          “Well….” Elizabeth said slyly, “this week is supposed to be about getting to know each other. So why don’t we talk?” Liam grimaced, but slowly nodded.

          “Fine, let’s go to the couch.” The girls squealed excitedly and ran over to the white sofas. They quickly seated themselves in a way that one of the guys was forced to sit between some of them, and not together. Clever, clever……

          Then of course, Niall, Louis, Liam, and Zayn go and sit on the floor. I snort, trying to hold in my laughter. You should see the girl’s faces!

          “I’ll be right there. I just want to grab my glasses first.” I started walking towards my bedroom.

          “I need something too, be right back,” Harry called out, following me. He followed me into my bedroom. I looked at him, raising an eyebrow.

          “Are you going to be watching me Styles?” Harry chuckled.

          “As much as I would love to see that,” he said cheekily, “I wanted to ask you something.” He took my hand and gazed into my eyes. “Do you want to go out on a date with me?” I gasped and stared at him. A date? Like, a real date? With Harry Styles? My boyfriend? Hell yes! But…

          “But aren’t we supposed to stick together? Are we even allowed to leave?”

          “Well, not really,” he said sheepishly, “but we can always sneak out.”

          “I like the sound of that,” I said, smirking. “Where are we going?”

          “That’s for me to know, and for you to find out.” He tapped my nose and I pouted.

          “But I don’t like not knowing things!”

          “Well too bad. Go change into something comfortable.” With that, we walked out of the room.

          “Jerk,” I muttered.

          “I heard that!” I chuckled and went over to my suitcase. I was going on a date! Our first date! My first date ever! With one of the hottest guys alive! I’m going to faint!!!

          Ha, yeah right. I’m not one of those girly girls who swoons every time they see something 1D related. I liked him for him, and he liked me for me. That’s all that mattered…except for the fact that I had nothing to wear right now! I needed help! I tiptoed over to the living room where the others were chatting together. Luckily, Molly was sitting closest to the entrance.

          “Psst! Molls!” She turned her head towards me slightly. “Help me!” She got up smoothly and walked over to me, not even attracting any attention. She’s a ninja!

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