Chapter 46: Forgive and Forget

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[AN: Dedication to HannahReading on her comment of why NIALL! is Tiffany's Prince Charming <3 :) ]

[AN: Shoutout to these people for giving me birthday wishes! Thank you guys so much! You guys are amazing and made my birthday so much better <3]

- cool_oreos1

- i_obviously_love_1d


- HannahReading

- sparklez_unicorn

- loveliveandhope

- onedirectionobsesed

- artifices101

- LemonGirl11

- priyanka1808


*Tiffany’s POV*

          The next day, I woke up feeling much better than yesterday. The boys were so nice to me, protecting me all the time from the girls and…….him. They were forced to let him back in, but they wouldn’t let him talk to me. He just stared at me from across the room with sad eyes.

…..Well, I think it was sad. Both his eyes were purple, and so swollen I don’t know how he could see. Paul had gotten him some cream for his eyes, saying it should be gone by the end of the day. Part of me wished he was feeling a lot of pain, but of course my mind had to be way too nice for that. I ignored him, and only talked to the guys. Niall had gotten a lot closer to me, and it was nice to hang with him. I realized that with all the time I spent around Harry, I hadn’t connected as much with the others.

          The girls were being bitches all the time. For one, now that Harry was single, they tried to get his attention all the time. He always pushed them away, but I felt disgusted every time they even looked at hm. They knew he was a cheater, but they wanted to be with him anyway? Seriously?

          They also tried to get at me every chance they could. When one of the boys left for even a second, they were on me, saying it was stupid to break up with Harry, saying he was the best I could ever get. I almost busted a gut laughing when they said that. Like seriously? Give me anybody else- I don’t want to be with a cheater, even if he is hot.

          Honestly, a part of me was happy Harry and I broke up. The other guys were so amazing, I’m surprised I didn’t hang with them more. Louis was hilarious, always making me laugh and joking around. Zayn was always there to give me a hug and made me feel like I meant something. Niall made me feel like myself, and made me forget all about Harry. He was really touchy-feely, which made things awkward sometimes, but I know he meant well. Lucky for him I was very touch feely.

Liam was even more protective than any of the other guys. I think the only way he left my side was to go to the bathroom. He was always beside me, talking to me and making me smile. He was so funny, and interesting all the time! There were things about him that I never would have even thought. Did you know that Liam actually likes to watch American football? He thinks it’s an amazing sport, and I have to say I agree. From being the guy I talked to the least, he ended up being one of the closest I had ever gotten to the guys. It was absolutely amazing, just being with all the guys.

It was about 8 o’clock, getting late, but not too late. Louis was messing up his hair when I was talking to Liam, and he cleared his throat.

“Gosh, my hair is so messy! I wish I had some hair gel!” he said, looking at me expectantly. I stared at him, and he rolled his eyes. He glanced at Zayn, and I groaned mentally. Oh right, our dare. God damn. Well, I wasn’t backing down. I’m the Queen of Dares! I haven’t backed down from a dare, or a bet, yet.

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