Chapter 67: Forgiven?

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*Tiffany’s POV*

          “Come on Tiffany! We got to go!” I rolled my eyes and looked in the mirror once more.

          “Coming!” I called out. I ran out of the bathroom into Liam. “Oomph!” I grunted. Liam laughed at me.

          “You look nice,” he complimented. I snorted. Sure I did. I was just wearing normal clothes. You know, black sweats, a plain gray hoodie, glasses, and of course my Epic Meal Time snapback. Gotta love snapbacks.

          I followed Liam out of the house into the limo where the other boys were waiting. I tried my best not to run away when I saw Louis’s sad smile.

          “Hi Tiffany,” he said politely. I was tempted to ignore him but……Liam was right. I missed them too much. Yes, I still was freaking mad. But it’s hard not to forgive people. I’m not really one to hold grudges.

          “Hi…” I said reluctantly. They all stared at me in surprise. Then they got the biggest smiles on their faces, like they saw the sun for the first time or something.

          “How are you doing?” Niall asked, almost shyly. I shrugged.

          “Nervous, I guess.” Liam chuckled next to me.

          “Nervous? About what?”

          “Facing cameras again……” Zayn snorted at my remark.

          “That’s what you’re nervous about? I would’ve thought it was the competition.”

          “Not really,” I said, shrugging.

          “Why? Already think you’re going to be chosen?” Harry said. I shook my head.

          “No, I just didn’t think about that.” Ok, I was lying. I honestly didn’t think I was going to be chosen, not with all the other girls. Zayn likes Rachel, and I know Louis adores the twins. They all liked Molly especially. Besides, most of the guys don’t even like me. Especially Niall.

          I would never admit it, but I actually kind of liked all the gifts they had been leaving me. I wouldn’t show it in front of Liam, but I would always sneak a glance at their little notes. I loved all the cute stuffed animals they left me, and I was happy to see their little gifts. It made me think that maybe they were sorry….but not entirely.

          Obviously, I ended up falling asleep in the car. But when I woke up, I stayed still because I heard the boys talking.

          “So, you guys are still going to go with the plan?” I heard Zayn ask.

          “Yeah, she deserves it I guess. She is being nicer today though, isn’t she?” Plan? What plan? Suddenly I heard the door open and I jerked up.

          “We’re here boys…and girl,” Paul said.

          We all filed out of the car and walked into the Space Needle. There, I saw Sarah waiting for me in the lobby.

          “Hey Sarah!” I called out. She grinned and ran up to me and hugged me tightly.

          “Hey Tiff. Nervous?”

          “Meh,” I  said, shrugging. Sarah’s eyes glinted as she looked at the guys.

          “So, who have you guys chosen for the competition?”

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