Chapter 29: Demon Girl

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*Tiffany’s POV*

          Black. That was all I could see. I tried to move, but I felt as if I was glued to the ground. Where was I? Why couldn’t I move? I tried to speak, but I couldn’t even move my mouth. I couldn’t move at all. What the hell?

          I waited forever, the eternal blackness weighing me down. I was scared. I hated being alone, not being able to speak to anyone. Not being able to see anyone. Not being able to move. I wanted my friends! I wanted Harry. Harry!

          I tried to move, wrenching my body as hard as I could. I needed to see Harry! I needed to feel him hold me! I needed his soft lips on mine, to comfort me. To make me feel better. To keep me company.

          “Tiffany?” An angel’s voice came through, and I relaxed. It was the most beautiful sound I had ever heard. I wanted to hear more. As if on command, the angel spoke again. “Tiffany? You awake?” Of course I’m awake! Or was I? I didn’t even know anymore. “Tiffany? If you can hear me, please show me somehow! Tiffany?” So I wasn’t awake. But I could hear him. I could hear the desperation in his voice, and my heart broke. I needed to make sure he was ok. Using as much strength as I had, I wrenched my body to the side. The effort left me feeling tired and breathless. He better have felt that, ‘cause I’m not going that again.

“Tiffany! Princess, can you wake up?” I melted at the nickname. God, I really needed to see him now. “If you can, twitch once. If you can’t twitch twice.” WHAT?! ALL THAT EFFORT, AND I ONLY TWITCHED!? Swears ran through my mind as I cursed the blackness. God, I was so tired, I didn’t want to move. But I had to. For the beautiful angel. Wearily, I tried to move, tried to get away from the darkness. But it seemed to get even tighter around me. I mentally sighed, and jerked twice.

“Princess, try! Please try! Wake up! For me, please! I know I’ve been a terrible boyfriend, but I love you, and I’ll protect you forever. I’ll never break my promise again!” I felt something warm on my hand. “Pinky promise.” I felt a smile creep on my face, and I giggled. The angel was so cute!

Suddenly, there were warm touches on my body, and I cringed. God, this was awkward. Too many people touching me! NEIN!

“Please wake up Tiff. We’ll be here for you.” His voice was almost as beautiful as the last angel. I relaxed, just listening to the angels talk.

“Forever and always.” Hey! That’s a Taylor Swift reference! Ha! Now I wanted music.

“We’ll never let you anybody hurt you again.” Hurt me? What happened?

“We love you.” I melted. His voice was so beautiful, maybe even more so than the first. Which was saying something. I felt my heart go out to him. The angel sounded so sad. I desperately wanted to make him feel better. To know that I was ok. I jerked my body as hard as I could. Pain threw itself at my mind, and I screamed. The blackness flashed into a bright white, and I flinched. God, I’m dying! No! Get away! I tried to run from the bright white. Give me the blackness any day. As if responding to me, the blackness came back. But so did more……

I heard something beep repeatedly. I felt 5 warm hands touch me. I felt cold air rush by on my chest, my legs under something scratchy. I heard quiet noises at a distance. I felt something soft on my right eye, covering it. I felt pain. And lots of it. I forced myself to stop the whimpering that was coming from my throat. Where am I? Who was touching me? What am I doing here?

I forced my eyes open, wincing as my eyelids peeled themselves open. Blackness. I blinked a couple times, trying to get rid of the dark that taunted me. Fear rushed through me. I looked around, trying to see something. Anything.

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