Chapter 41: Let's Go to the Beach!

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[AN: Cover Art Contest! Details at end of chapter. There is a prize!]

[AN: Chapter dedicated to tommostypayranmalik. I had to write this out because the stupid dedication thing won't let me XD So to Zarish, if you're reading this, I'm sorry!]

*Liam’s POV*

          “No, she’s mine!” I said, glaring teasingly at Harry. He glared back, trying to hold in his laughter. Tiffany was pulled next to him, and she looked really awkward.

          “Uh…….how about you guys eat your soup, ok?” Tiffany said. She picked up Harry’s spoon and spooned some soup into it. “Harry, open up!”

          “Wha-“ Harry got cut off by the spoon that was shoved into his mouth. He quickly closed his mouth and sucked the soup. “Mmmmm. Delicious babe!” He said, winking at her. “Feed me more?”

          “You’re not a baby Harry,” she said, rolling her eyes. Harry put a pout on his face and widened his eyes.

          “Please? For me?” he whimpered. Niall gagged behind them, and I laughed.

          “Fine!” Tiffany groaned, spooning some more soup. Harry cheered.

          “YOU GUYS ARE SO CUTE!” Molly squealed, running over and hugging Tiffany. Tiffany chuckled.

          “Thanks Molls.” Something flashed in Molly’s eyes, but it was so quick I was probably just seeing things.

          “So, Liam, what are we doing today?” Molly asked, looking up at me. I swallowed my mouthful and grinned at her.

          “Pretty easy day today!” I said excitedly. “We’re going to the beach!” All the girls cheered. “We’re going at eleven, so get ready in the next 2 hours!” The mean girls squealed and ran away, leaving only the boys and Tiffany.

          “Bitches,” the other boys said. Tiffany rolled her eyes.

          “Just go and get ready,” she groaned, running to Zayn. “Come on! I have some swimsuits I want you to see!”

          “Can I see?” Harry said cheekily.

          “No! Only the final result!” Tiffany called, dragging Zayn behind her. They disappeared into their bedroom. Louis smirked after them.

          “You think Zayn is getting it on?”


*Tiffany’s POV*

          “No.” I rolled my eyes.

          “What’s wrong with this one? I like it!” He gave me an incredulous look.

          “Uh, it’s a one-piece. You want to flaunt that hot body of yours!”

          “Uh, but I don’t have a hot body,” I retorted.

          “Well, I wouldn’t know. You’ve only showed me one-pieces!” he argued. “Go put on a sexy bikini now! Show off to Harry!” I rolled my eyes.

          “Fine,” I groaned, trudging back to the bathroom. I rummaged through my suitcase, trying to find another swimsuit. Honestly, I’m not even sure I had any bikinis. Sarah had packed all of my swim stuff, since I usually didn’t like to swim.

          I managed to find three bikinis. One of them was a plain black bikini, with a neck strap. Nah, didn’t want to be bland. Another was firetruck red, having a little silver clasp in the middle. Tempting…but red wasn’t really my color. The last though, caught my eye. It was a tie-on that was a deep purple. The straps themselves were a lighter shade of purple, almost neon. But what really caught my attention was the sprinkle of tiny purple sparkles on it. I love sparkles! Thank you Sarah!

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