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Ok, only a few of you, probably XD


I'm so proud of all of you guys! Before I announced I was doing the chapter today, I only had 13 questions. I was a bit dissapointed, but I felt like I held out for too long. BUT YOU GUYS PULLED THROUGH! I HAVE MORE THAN 20 QUESTIONS! THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH! :D

Right now I have 21 questions, but if you guys ever have any questions you want answered in the future, just ask with the #characterask (I'm a Twitter fiend, sorry XD) and I will add it here :)

So now that we got this all settled, LET'S GET THIS STARTED! :D


@Kat_loves_1D ----> Trang (Tiffany's Mom) : Why did you kick Tiffany out?

- Trang :  Don't speak that name! She is worthless to me! After that phone call I got from that police officer, about what she did....I can't even think about it! Let's just say that what she did is unacceptable, and I will never forgive her.

@artifices101 -----> Niall : Are you still in love with Tiff?

- Niall : Is it pathetic that I still do? Even after all that happened, I still do. I feel terrible for doing this to Liam, but I love her. She's the first girl I ever loved, besides my mom of course. She'll probably never feel the same, but that's fine. I'll wait for her, or until another girl comes along, I guess.

- Liam : Hey Niall, what are you talking about?

- Niall : I, uh, I.....gotta go! Gotta eat! Bye!

@cool_oreos1 -----> ? : Why was Tiffany kicked out of her house?

- Trang : She did something inexcusable, something that I will never forgive her for. 

- Tom (Tiffany's Dad) : I don't know what she did, all I know is that Trang is upset and nothing I say can convince her. She won't tell me what happened. I miss my daughter a lot, and I wish she would come back soon. No matter what her mom says, I will always love her.

@xXFairytailXx -----> Tiffany: Why is it that The Boy's can't see That their hurting you sometimes instead of helping you?

- Tiffany : How am I supposed to know? I can't be inside the boys' minds! *laughs* But if I had to say something, I would say is that they just don't see the outcome of their actions. But I can say that they never mean to hurt me, and that I can say for sure.

@danilovescacti ----> ? : Why is this story so amazing?

- Levanthia: Hahaha I don't know! I guess that's because I'm crazy? Me being crazy definitely helps. Maybe because it's an original idea? Whatever floats your boat :) But I'm happy that you think it's that amazing!

@danilovescacti -----> ? : Can Tiam start already?!

- Levanthia : It's already started XD I hope you like it though! Besides Tayn, Tiam is my favorite ship :)

@moose326 -----> Sarah : Did Sarah know about Tiff's shoulder? If so, how did she react when she found out and when did she find out?

- Sarah: I find out about Tiff's shoulder about a year ago, give or take a few months. When I found out, I cried. I cried my heart out, and she couldn't console me until it was nearly 3 in the morning. Alissa found out at the same time as me, and she went to get us all ice cream, and we pigged out. Well, more like Lissy and I pigged out. Tiffany was just trying to stop our waterworks.

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