Chapter 78: Surprise! (not really)

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*Tiffany’s POV*

          “I’m not ready Sarah!” I whimpered pitifully. She rolled her eyes.

          “Calm down girl, it’s just nerves.”

          “Are you kidding me? I’m going to be singing on live television! In front of millions of people! Not to mention some of the most influential people in the music business! How could I NOT be freaking out?!”

          “I still can’t believe you met Ed Sheeran,” she grumbled. Lou smirked at her as she brushed the makeup on my face.

          “He was really nice….wait, no this is serious Sarah!” I moaned.

          “Close your eyes,” Lou told me. I shut my eyes closed as she put something on my lids.

          “I know, which is why you need to relax! You’re going to suck if you keep being this tense!” I felt her hands rub into my shoulder muscles.

          “I’m already going to suck,” I mutter.

          “There, you’re done. Go and get changed!” Sarah squealed and ran over to my costume rack.

          “I can’t wait! Which one are you wearing first? What song are you doing first?”

          “Nope, not telling you anything.” She pouted at me.

          “You’re no fun,” she grumbled. I chuckled and grabbed one of the hangers. Sarah looked at it critically, and gave me a thumbs up. “I love it! It’s a lot better than what you usually wear!”

          “Gee, so glad to see you approve my fashion choices,” I said sarcastically. But I couldn’t stop my smile as I looked at the outfit. It was a strapless mini dress in an adorable cotton candy pink. It had a heart neckline that was tight around my waist, but flowed out around my thighs.

 I quickly ran into the dressing stall. It was dark, small, and the only thing preventing everybody from seeing me was a shower-like curtain. Seriously, couldn’t they have actual dressing rooms? I changed into the dress and put on some matching strap heels and put on a long golden necklace with a golden metal heart hanging off the end, letting it mix with my silver necklace. I paired it with some slim golden bracelets and some dangly golden earrings.

          “You look so cute!” Sarah squealed. I looked in the mirror and smiled at myself. Lou had curled my hair so it waved gently until the ends curled around my face. My hair had a matching pink headband that held my bangs away from my face. She had also made my eyelids a sparkly gold that brightened my face, and some light pink lipstick. I looked really good.

          “Thanks Sarah,” I said grinning. “And thank Lou! You’re amazing!”

          “It’s nothing,” Lou said, smiling. “You look so cute, and young!”

          “That’s the point,” I said chuckling. There was a knock on the door.

          “Tiffany, 5 minutes until you have to get on stage!” Oh god, I’m going to faint. I wasn’t ready! I really wasn’t!

          “Calm down Tiffany,” Sarah said soothingly. “It’s just interviews first, remember? And then you have to wait for Molly to sing.” My face scrunched up at that name. “You’ll be fine. Go to your boyfriend, he’ll help you,” she said cheekily. I rolled my eyes.

          “Thanks Sarah.” I gave her a big hug. “You’ve always been there for me, so thanks.”

          “Since when did you get so cheesy,” she laughed, hugging me back just as tightly. “I love you Tiff.”

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