Chapter 91: Karma's a Beeyatch

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I'M SO SORRY!!! I'M A TERRIBLE WRITER!!!! *cries in corner* I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY!!!! My excuse?, that's a bad excuse. But it's the only one I have XD I'M SORRY!!!! </3

*Tiffany’s POV*

“Liam?! Niall?!” I called out as I raced backstage. There was silence, save for the clopping of my shoes. “Harry?! Zayn!? Louis?!” I ran to the back rooms and peeked in each one before racing to the next one. All of them were devoid of life. I was just about to give up hope when I get to the last room, but when I turned the handle, it was locked. They must be in there!

“Hello? Anybody in there?” I yelled as I slammed my hand on the door. No answer. I raced back to the stage where Alex was yelling rapidly through his headset. My eyes caught the ring of keys on his belt. I snatched it off the hook. “Thanks Alex!”

“Hey! You can’t have those! Those are the property of SYCO!” Whatever. I ignored Alex’s cries and ran back to the locked room. It was only when I stopped in front of the door when I realized how stupid I was. How many keys did Alex need anyway?! There must have been at least 50 on here!

Groaning, I tried each key after the next. Nope….nope…not that one……no…..GOD DANGIT THIS WAS ANNOYING!!!!

I finally got to the last few keys and my fingers were numb from trying to jam each key into the keyhole. I slammed one of the keys into the hole, and it fit! I almost screamed with delight, but I honestly was just annoyed. If only I had started on the other side! Would’ve been so much faster.

I twisted the key to the side and the lock smoothly turned. I burst open the door to see the boys, all gagged and tied with their hands behind their backs, laying on the ground.












Ok, I may have been joking. They weren’t tied up or anything. But I wish they were- at least I knew where they were. Because there was nobody in the room.

“FREAK!” I screamed. Where in the hell are they? I ran back towards the stage, but just as I passed the bathroom I heard weird noises coming from the bathrooms. I stopped just outside the girl’s bathroom, looking worriedly at the door. I really needed to find the boys but….somebody might be hurt. The others can look.

I slowly opened the door a crack and peeked through. Molly was staring into the mirror, her hands clenching the sides of the sink. Black streaks ran down her face from her tears. Her mouth was quivering as her shoulders shook.

“Stop crying,” she growled at her reflection. “You’re not a fucking wimp. Winners do not cry.” She wiped away the black streaks on her face. “Don’t you dare disappoint your mother. You need to win, whatever the cost.” She reached for a band on her wrist, snapping it harshly against her arm. She hissed as a red line appeared on her pale skin. She did this a couple more times, dragging the band down her wrist. I couldn’t take this anymore, she shouldn’t be doing this to herself.

“You know, you really shouldn’t self-harm,” I said quietly, slipping through the door. She jumped at my whisper, and glared at me. She straightened her back as she hid her wrist at her side.

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