Chapter 21: Tarry <3

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*Tiffany’s POV*

“Where are we going Liam? I’m bored! Are we there yet?” I slapped a hand over Molly’s mouth.

“Chillax girl! You asked that 5 minutes ago!” She pouted at me.

“But I hate surprises!” She whined.

“Yo, Redhead! Be quiet! You’re making my ears hurt!” She rolled her eyes at McKenzie’s glares.

We were all sitting in a really long limo, with really tinted windows. We had no idea where we were going….Well, except for Liam. But he wasn’t telling. Git. I stuck my tongue out at his sleeping form, but it quickly turned into a grin. Naw, Niam were so cute!

The girls tried to reclaim the boys in the limo, but they quickly sat together. Niall was laying on Liam’s chest, while Liam’s head was resting on his head. They were both asleep, looking as cute as Pokemon. Which is pretty cute in my opinion!

          The girls weren’t losing that easily though- Alyssa and Rachel quickly sat on either side of the sleeping boys, and Jennifer and McKenzie captured Harry’s attention. I looked at the other side of the limo to see Harry laughing at something that Jennifer said. I bit my lip and quickly looked away. Louis was listening to his iPod, trying to ignore the flirting of Elizabeth and Sara. The twins were obviously together, trying to move away from Sara, who was shooting them glares. Molly sat next to the twins, followed by me and Zayn. Rachel was attempting to talk to Zayn, but he was pointedly ignored her.

“Well excuse me, pink head! Not my fault this car ride is looooonngggg!!!” she whined, collapsing in her seat. The twins chuckled, leaning toward Molly.

“We’re bored too. Wanna play Chopsticks?” Molly shot up grinning.

“Yes! Tiffers, wanna play?” I chuckled at my nickname, and shook my head.

          “Nah, I’m too lazy right now. I’ll pass.” She shrugged at me, turning back toward the twins. I looked around, trying to ignore the small chuckles from the other end. Zayn leaned on my arm a little.

“I’m sleepy….” He said, rubbing his eye slowly. I glanced at him, and I almost melted. He looked like he was 5 years old! His eyes lowered a little, and he yawned sexily. Can anybody even have a sexy yawn? Well, Zayn did. “Sleepy…” he murmured again, and before I knew it his head was on my lap.

I cringed as the girls gasped in my direction. Harry was looking at me, his lips grimacing. I sent him an apologetic glance, and he waved me off. He smiled, and I relaxed, relieved. I turned my head to see Rachel giving me a really weird look. Like seriously, she looked like she wanted to yell at me, but she couldn’t. Huffing, she turned away and waved at the other girls, who slowly turned back to their boys, but not without giving me a death glare. Whatever, screw you guys.

I smiled at the boy in my lap as he snuggled closer to me. He was really warm, and so cute! I mean, I know I have a boyfriend. But Zayn was definitely Hawt, with a capital H!

“You’re really warm T,” he murmured, snuggling in even closer. I chuckled softly.

“You’re the one that’s warm.”

“Is it ok if I sleep here for a bit?”

“Well, it’s not like I can just shove you off now. You’re too cute to resist!”

"Hey, I’m a man, not a boy!” he grumbled. I just smirked at him.

“Sure Zayn. Whatever helps you sleep.” I leaned back into my seat and ran my fingers through his hair. I don’t know why, but it helped me to let go of everything, and just relax. I kept my fingers straight, trying not to mess up his hair that he took an hour to do. I was really surprised to feel the soft black hair run through my fingers- I would’ve thought all the gel made it hard. I heard Louis’ breath hitch, looking at Zayn worriedly. All Zayn did was sigh contently and soon, his breath evened out. Louis looked at me, his eyes wide.

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