Chapter 77: Famous Friends

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*Tiffany’s POV*

The whole car ride was actually pretty annoying, because when the guys and Rachel tried to calm down, one of them would randomly giggle and make the others burst into laughter again. By the time we got to the dome, Niall had the hiccups and Zayn’s red face seemed permanent. They all had wide grins that threatened to split their faces in two. Paul opened the door and assessed us.

“At least you guys will look happy for the cameras,” he sighed. He pulled back and I quickly got out of the car. It was pretty dark already, especially for a October night, but it just made the moment much more magical! There was a red velvet carpet spread out to the Tacoma dome. Paparazzi were spread out everywhere along the velvet ropes that were holding them back. Bodyguards in pressed suits and dark sunglasses were standing every few feet. Outnumbering even the paps were crowds of screaming girls. This was like a dream, literally. I never thought in a million years I would ever even see a red carpet.

I felt a hand wrap around my waist, and I looked up smiling at Liam. His smile looked ridiculous, and I told him so.

“You look absolutely ridiculous,” I said snickering. He didn’t even look bothered.

“Well you always make me feel like this.” I cooed and hugged him tightly.

“You’re so cute!” He chuckled and squeezed my hip.

“Come on, we have to pose for the cameras.” He rolled his eyes and led me to where the other guys were. They were standing in front of a wall covered in MTV logos, and smiling widely at the cameras. They stood pretty still, shifting only a couple times when it got uncomfortable. Zayn turned his head a bit when he saw us walk over, and he grinned.

“Hey guys, what took you so long?” He bumped Louis with his hip, scotching him over to make a space for Liam and I. We quickly stood in the empty spot and we smiled at the flashing lights. This was really, really, really weird. Is this what if felt like to be famous?

Suddenly, Louis let out a screech and ran over to two girls, colliding with them.

“Hey Louis,” they said, wearing the same happy smirk on their faces.

“I missed you guys so much!” he cried happily. He smacked the blonde on the head. “Your note was stupid!”

“But true,” she said smirking. She turned towards the rest of us and waved. “Hey guys!”

“Hey Stella, Bella,” I said, saluting each of them. “How you guys been?”

“Good,” Stella said.

“We guess,” Bella said.

“We’re still not used to having-“

“Paparazzi outside the hotel all the time.”

“It’s really-“


“Wow, you guys really need to stop doing that.” The twins smirked at me.

“Sorry,” they chorused. Louis took their hands and pulled them back over to where we were standing. Rachel gave them each a hug, but Molly just gave them a sly sneer. I looked around carefully, scanning the street.

“Hey Liam….”

“Yeah babe?” he said, giving me a quick glance.

“Aren’t the other girls supposed to come here?”


“So why aren’t they here?”

“Who cares?” all the boys chorused. I roll my eyes.

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