Chapter 61: Mute

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*Zayn’s POV*

I woke up when the sun hit my eyes, and I groaned. I quickly shut up, trying not to wake the sleeping girl in my arms. I opened my eyes and looked at Tiffany. She was still dead asleep, holding onto my chest tightly. I smiled at her adorableness. I tried to get up, but she was holding onto me too tight. My stomach grumbled. Dang it, how am I going to get food?

As if someone heard my prayers, there was a quiet knock on the door, and Liam walked in with a tray of food.

“Hey sleepyheads,” he teased. I grinned at him.

“Hey Liam. Thanks man! I was starting to get hungry, but she won’t let go.”

“This is actually all for her.” I glared at him, and he chuckled quietly. “Kidding, I made you food too.”

“Smell food,” Tiffany grumbled. She slowly sat up, her head turning towards Liam. Liam smiled at her.

“Hey Tiffany, how are you feeling?” She didn’t say anything, which made Liam frown.“Is she ignoring me?” I chuckled quietly, but looked at her worried.

“She’s still asleep….which worries me. Her sleep talking doesn’t usually last this long. And I’ve never seen her sleep move.” She must really be worried about what was happening, and honestly I don’t blame her. I would be a wreck if my parents had kicked me out! Tiffany blindly crawled towards the food and grabbed a piece of toast off the tray. She leaned back against the wall and ate it. Liam looked at her weirdly.

“Can you even eat when you sleep?” I looked at Tiffany, who was chewing the bread slowly.

“Apparently, you can.” Suddenly she dropped the bread and slumped over. I caught her before she hit her head, and I heard soft snores from her mouth. This chick seriously needs to sleep. Chuckling, I put the bread back onto the tray and pulled her over to where I was laying. As soon as she was laying down she wrapped her arms around me again, and again I couldn’t move. I looked at Liam. “Give me food?”

“You sound like Niall,” Liam chuckled. He passed me over a plate and I looked at it appreciatively- scrambled eggs on toast with a plate of bacon. Dang, Liam really put some effort into this! I gobbled it down, trying not to move. How Tiffany can’t wake up from this delicious food, I have no idea. Although I guess she did already smell it………

“That was so good!” I groaned, rubbing my stomach. Liam chuckled.

“Thanks, I guess. Although Harry really cooked it.” Oh course he did. Liam had left the room while I ate, only to come back with some more disinfectant and some bandages. He sat next to me on the bed and gently tilted Tiffany’s face up towards his. He peeled the bandages off her face. It wasn’t bad; most of the scratches were already healing. But a couple had come open when she was moving. Liam wiped her face down and put the bandages on her open scratches. She looked a lot better now, and that made me smile.

“When do you think she’ll wake up?” I wondered out loud. Liam chuckled.

“Well, considering how late you guys slept, hopefully in a couple hours.” Late? How late was it? Liam smirked at me, like he knew what I was thinking. “It’s already 1 in the afternoon.” Wait, are you serious? Dude, my body is out of whack! But then again….I hadn’t really slept. It felt weird to be sleeping alone. Even when Niall agreed to sleep next to me, it was different. I had been joking before when I said I couldn’t sleep without Tiffany, but I didn’t think it was actually true.

“Zayn,”Tiffany groaned, snuggling into my side. She looked up at me and smiled. I smiled back, even though I knew she couldn’t see me. Her eyes were closed and her head kept dropping slightly, which meant she was still asleep. I was really worried, because this was a really extreme case of sleep-talking, especially for her. “Good morning,” she mumbled.

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