Chapter 38: Awkward!

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*Tiffany’s POV*

 I froze, and turned towards him.

          “Wait…..what?” He looked at me, surprised.

          “Eleanor and I broke up a couple days ago. You didn’t know that?”

          “Does anybody even know that?!”

          “Maybe not,” he admitted. He gave a little hiccup. “But I’m over her! You’re much prettier anyway.” I looked into his eyes. He gave another hiccup, and I caught a little red in his eyes.

          “Did you already have something to drink?!” I yelled. He hiccupped.

          “Maybe?” He giggled. “But only a few.” I rolled my eyes. I swear to God……he better not be a depressed drunk. I can’t handle those kind of people.

          “Now, dance with me!” He screamed happily. He started grinding onto me again, and to make him happy, I grinded back, but the fun was gone. I could feel something press against me….something hard…..HELL NO! WHY WAS I ALWAYS STUCK IN THESE SITUATIONS?!?!?!?

          “Come on Tiffany, you’re not having fun!” He whined, leaning against me. He grinded harder into my bum, gripping my hips tightly. His….thing…pressed against mine uncomfortably. I sighed, and tried inching away from his hips. God, this was getting weird.

          I caught Harry’s eye, and he smiled at me. He sauntered over, grinning at Louis.

          “Hey guys, having fun over here? Are you cheating on me already?” Harry teased. Louis giggled, and gave a little hiccup.

          “She’s really pretty. I’m jealous!” He giggled again, and Harry cocked an eyebrow.

          “He’s drunk already? We didn’t drink that much!” I rolled my eyes.

          “You shouldn’t have been drinking at all!” I scolded. He smirked at me.

          “I can’t let you guys have all the fun!” Suddenly, he turned around and pressed his bum against my crotch, grinding against me.

          “Harry!” I said, shocked. He turned his head, grinning at me. His body grinded against mine.

          “Hey, at least it’s not Louis, right? I have a right to dance with my girlfriend, right?” He pressed against me harder, making me press in Louis. He moaned, and his…thing…grew. Oh god. Get me out of here!

          “Harry! You’re not helping!” I groaned.

          “Ooh, Tiff. You having fun too?” Louis slurred, winking at me. I gave him a glare, which turned into a look of surprise. He downed another colorful drink….which I had no idea how he got. I slapped the glass out of his hand, and he turned his unfocused gaze towards me.

          “You want one Tiffany?”       

          “Yes…I mean no!” I slapped myself. “I want you to stop drinking!”

          “Eh, lighten up Tiffany!” Harry said, grinding into me. I suppressed a moan. “Just let loose!”

          “But he’s just drinking his sorrows away! That can’t be good!” Harry looked at me curiously.

          “What do you mean? He’s not sad!” I gave him a look.

          “You don’t know about it?”

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