Chapter 76: The Flirtacious Comedian

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*Tiffany’s POV*

          “Does it really matter what I wear? I mean, I’m only going to have to change anyway,” I grumbled.

          “Sure, but you’re walking down the red carpet first, remember? I don’t think you want to be seen walking sweats.”

          “Fine,” I grumbled. I looked at the clock- 4 o’clock. We were leaving in about an hour. Though the show started at 7, apparently we needed to be 2 hours early? For what?

          Shaking my head, I rummaged through my suit cases for something I could wear that was acceptable for red carpet, but enough to be comfortable. My eye caught my white dress shirt, and I got an inspiration.

          “Liam! Can I borrow a tie!” I yelled.

          “Uh, sure?” he said sounding confused. “What for?”

          “You’ll see.” A few seconds later, a black tie came flying into the bathroom and I caught it quickly. I changed quickly and did my hair and makeup as quick as possible. Satisfied, I looked in the mirror one last time to check. I usually hate my appearance, but dang I look good now.

          I was wearing the white dress shirt and some plain black dress pants. I tied Liam’s tie loosely around my neck, enough to be acceptable but not so it looked all formal like. I left my hair straight and just pulled it all to one side so it all hung over my shoulder. My makeup was simple, just some eyeliner and a bit of red lipstick. I had debated whether to wear my glasses or not, but I didn’t really want to perform in them so I was wearing contacts. Final touch was some plain black stiletto heels. Yay, I’m taller!

          “You ready Liam? Can I come out now?” I called out through the door.

          “Sure, I’m done.” I opened the door and walked into the bedroom. Liam was standing near the bed waiting for me. I stopped a few feet away and just checked him out. Yes, I’m not embarrassed! I can check my own boyfriend out!

          I actually remember him wearing his outfit before I met him, when I was just stalking One Direction pics- he was wearing a gray dress vest with a white dress shirt underneath. The sleeves were rolled up above his elbows, showing off his sexy tattoos. He was wearing matching grey dress pants and some white sneakers that just made him a lot taller, which kind of ruined the point of my heels but whatever, I like heels. He had somehow managed to tousle his short hair so it looked messily, but sexily, windswept.

          I had to smirk at his face, obviously checking me out.

          “Take a picture, it lasts longer,” I joked.

          “I think I just might,” he growled. He started walked towards me. “You look really sexy wearing my tie.”

          “Does that or does that not sound gay to you,” I teased.

          “Who cares? You still look sexy.”

          “Well, you look smexy as hell,” I purred. Wow, never knew I could do that! He growled again and pulled on my…his? tie, pulling me towards him.

          “I’m glad you’re wearing heels,” he murmured as he ran his fingers down my sides, resting it on my hips. I smirked at him.

          “Really? And why is that?”

          “So it’s easier to do this.” He roughly pressed his lips against mine, and I responded quickly. I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling his face closer to mine.  I sighed happily at the now familiar sparks and tingles that sparked throughout my body.

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