Chapter 7: FINALLY!

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*Zayn’s POV*

“FINALLY!!” I shouted. I collapsed in my chair, dropping my pen to the ground. I didn’t even smirk when I saw Louis pretending to faint on the ground. I was just too tired. The 5th day was over! The last girl had finally left, but not without having us sign her t-shirt. My hand had a really bad cramp, and I massaged it gently. All I wanted to do was go home and sleep.

“Let’s get out of here guys,” Liam called. Niall and Louis nodded enthusiastically, and I felt myself join in. We all walked slowly to the car. I would’ve ran if I could, but I was too darn tired. Liam even ended up carrying Niall because he fell asleep standing up.

“Hey Paul,” I said, slapping his shoulder weakly. He nodded at us, pulling the car away from the parking lot. He knew he shouldn’t talk right now. We wouldn’t reply. Louis and Liam fell asleep immediately. I was drifting quietly- for some reason I couldn’t fall asleep. I almost nodded off when I noticed Harry staring out the window. He had that intense look in his eyes- it meant that he was thinking about something important. As tired as I was, I knew he would want to talk about it. I groaned and shifted myself so I was sitting straight. I gently nudged his shoulder.

“Hey Haz, you alright?” He nodded, still staring out the window. I sighed and ran my hand through my hair, not caring that I would mess it up. I was too damn tired. “Come on Hazza, I know you too well. What’s on your mind?” He slowly turned toward me, a serious look on his face.

“Nothing, I was just thinking about the auditions.” I stared at him confusedly.

“Well…ok sure. But what makes today so special?” He stared at me for a few seconds, debating whether he should tell me. Luckily, we always tell each other everything.

“I just was thinking about this girl I really liked….” I smirked slightly and wiggled my eyebrows.

“Does little Hazza have a crush? What happened to older women?” He chuckled and hit my shoulder.

“You know I don’t have a thing for them. I just happened to like them, and they happened to be older.” I rolled my eyes. Yes, yes, we all knew that already. He had said this speech about a million times.

“I was joking Haz, you know that.” He shrugged and flicked his curls out of his face. I didn’t really see why girls fainted when they saw that, but hey, to each their own.

“So, which was it? Was it that blonde chick with the green highlights?” I said, teasing him more. He grimaced as he thought back. That girl had been terrible. She had screamed the moment she saw us, fainted at least twice during her audition, and had made us sign 30 copies of our albums to give to her friends. Of course, we couldn’t refuse as Liam gave us his “Daddy” glare. He hated it when the fans were sad.

“Ha ha, very funny Zaynie,” he grumbled, smirking at me. I grimaced- I hated that nickname. I didn’t get the appeal the girls had with that nickname. “No it was the girl who came in with her friend. The one in the sweats?” I remembered her instantly.

“Oh yeah, I liked her a lot,” I said smiling. She had been really good. Honestly, I didn’t know why she was nervous- she had an amazing voice! She had a little trouble with her breathing, but that was easily fixed. Plus, I had been surprised. She was the only one who didn’t try to make us sign anything, or try to flirt with us. She wasn’t even dressed up in any way. It was really nice for a change, and my hand got a chance to rest. I felt bad when her friend ran from the room, but I’m sure she was fine now.

“I feel like she’s important somehow….” Harry murmured. I smirked at him.

“Well, maybe you’re just feeling déjà vu. Wasn’t she one of the girls you looked at when we were here on our tour?” Harry raised his eyebrows, sitting up straighter.

“I totally forgot about that…..she was wasn’t she? Wait, how do you know that?” My smirk grew as I looked at him.

“Come on dude, she was really pretty that day. Plus, she was the one that seemed annoyed by you.” Harry grimaced at me.

 “I know, that was weird. I actually felt kind of hurt when she rolled her eyes at me. But, it was also kind of a nice change.” I nodded, knowing exactly how he felt. “I mean, it wasn’t like she was mean or anything, she was just…indifferent.” He trailed off uncertainly.

“Well, a little change is good sometimes.” We jumped as we heard Niall’s voice. He sat up slowly, rubbing his eyes. “You guys are too loud sometimes.” I rolled my eyes. We were practically whispering, there was no way we were loud.

“You want loud, listen to this.” Harry reached over and poked Louis on the side. Crap. Louis shot up and hit his head on the ceiling. He started screaming his butt off.

“OOOWWWWW!!!!!!!! OWWWWW!!! THAT REALLY HURT!!!” I winced and covered my ears, and saw the other guys do the same. Liam groaned loudly and slowly sat up, giving Louis death glares.

“What in the world are you doing?!” Liam growled. Crap. Liam was a monster when he just wakes up. I half contemplated jumping out of the car. It would be better than facing Liam right now. Louis rubbed his head, sending glares at Harry.

 “He poked me in the side! When I was sleeping!” Louis said. He started sobbing and jumped into Liam’s lap. He grunted when Louis landed, but patted his back and glared at Harry.

“Why would you do that? You know what would happen if he did that.” Harry tried to hold back his chuckles.

“Sorry Daddy, I was just trying to prove a point,” he said, sending a pointed glance at Niall. Niall glared at him.

“Just go to sleep guys,” Liam said tiredly. We have another audition tomorrow…….and the next day.” We all groaned loudly, dreading those days. But one by one we finally fell asleep. The last thing I remember was thinking was “Harry has a crush.”


Random Though of the Day : CURSE YOU AQUASCUM!!!!!!!!! I AM TOO DAMN TIRED!!!!!! *collapses on cloud* sleepy time.........*starts sucking thumb* wait. i don't do that. I'M A MAN!......not really

hey guys :) this is kindof a filler chapter, but i don't really care. i just need to sleep right now. been through a bunch today.

i had twisted my ankle on sunday, so i had to wear crutches. today really really sucked, because now my standing leg is all sore, and i have burns on my body where the crutches rub up against my underarms. hurts! and i'm tired! rawr! but i shouldn't be complaining. you guys don't wanna hear this stuff :P

i'm almost at a 100 reads!!!!!!!! EEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!! *hyperventilating* thank you all so much! it isn't a lot, compared to so many others. but to me it means a lot :) i also have 10 votes, and 8 comments! yay! well, techincally some of them made by me when i replied to others...but whatever. can we get some more comments? for me? puweez????

love you all!!! ;) bai!

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