Chapter 5: Who's that girl?

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*Harry’s POV*

I groaned after she left, leaning back in my chair. Who knew that so many girls would audition? She had to be the 10000th girl to audition, maybe even more. Luckily, it was the 5th day, so it wasn’t as bad.

I groaned again, thinking about the first day here. We almost got mobbed by our fans, which would have been fine except they all kept tugging at our clothes. Zayn ended up missing the hood on his hoodie, Niall lost his shoe, Louis his glasses, and my hair felt like it had been tugged out. It was terrible. The only person not damaged was Liam, and only because he snuck in the side early in the morning to talk to Simon.

Plus it was terrible. I couldn’t believe how Simon and everybody on the X-Factor kept doing this. Sure, the fans were nice. But almost half of them fainted when they saw us, and most of them sounded terrible. Of course, we weren’t mean enough to say it, but I still cringed, thinking about how screechy some of them sounded. I swear, if I didn’t know better, I would’ve thought they were banshees from Harry Potter.

Count that in with the fact that most of the time was taken up with us just taking pictures and signing autographs for all the girls. We were all dead tired. We had only found a couple girls we liked so far, which was good- less decision making. Niall even started swearing in front of the girls. We had to make him sit out for a couple auditions, which disappointed some of the girls. Luckily it was the 5th day- only 2 days more.

“Next!” I heard Liam yell out, his voice cracking. I cringed slightly. Liam probably slept the least out of everybody. He was also the one to do most of the talking throughout these whole auditions. I caught Louis’ head roll around, and I shook him awake.

“SHERBERT!!” he screamed, sitting up sharply. We were all too tired to laugh, I just nudged him, motioning toward the door. The next two girls walked in. I sat up a little straighter. A duet pairing? This wasn’t allowed.

“OMG HI GUYS!! I’M LIKE YOUR BIGGEST FAN!!” the blond shouted. We all winced painfully. Her voice was way too loud for this early in the morning. The other girl grimaced and shoved her elbow into the blond. I had to admit, at least they were pretty cute. The blonde was a little shorter than her friend, but she had bright brown eyes and a cute smile. But I could tell her eyes weren’t the right eyes, the ones from my dream. God, I sounded like a girl way too much. She was wearing a striped red-and-white shirt with red skinny jeans. I rolled my eyes. Another Louis look. Everybody seemed to be dressing up like us. Did they think that would get them extra points? I mean, it was flattering at first. But try looking at hundreds of girl wearing the same damn thing.

I looked at the other girl, and my eyebrows shot up. She wasn’t smiling. In fact, she was scowling at the ground, shadows covering her face. She wasn’t even dressed up. Her hair was all messy, and she was wearing sweats and a t-shirt. But I swear I had seen her somewhere before…..The blonde shoved her elbow back into her friend.

“I’m sorry, I’m just really excited,” the blonde squealed. I gave her a small smile.

“Not a problem love, what are your names? You do know we aren’t doing duets, right?” I said, raising my voice so they could hear. I tried to smile as happily as I could- the cameras were all on me. Didn’t want to give our viewers a bad impression.

“My name is Sarah, and this is my friend Tiffany. I know, we aren’t a duet. We just wanted to be here together to support each other. Oh, and don’t mind her. I kind of made her come with me. She’s just nervous,” Sarah babbled. She chuckled nervously, and I smiled. They were really nervous, even Sarah. Some of the girls babbled a lot when they got nervous.

“It’s ok love, there’s nothing to be nervous about. We don’t judge…kind of,” Liam said, flashing his teeth to the girls. Sarah swooned a little, but I caught a little snort from Tiffany. I frowned. What was her problem?

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