Chapter 74: Suspicions

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*Tiffany’s POV*

          “Can I have a bite?” I asked Liam, pointing at his pasta. He smiled at me.

          “Sure babe.” I moved my fork over to his plate, but he stopped me. “Here, let me.” He twirled some pasta onto his fork and held it in front of my face. “Open up!”

          “You’re adorable babe, you know that?” I chuckled. I leaned in and put my mouth around his fork. Mmm…buttery! I pulled away and chewed on the soft noodles while Liam grinned at me.

          “How do you like it?”

          “It’s so good!” I said after I swallowed. “Do you want a bit of mine?” I said jokingly. He grimaced at me.

          “Yeah, not really.” I shrugged and put some of my pasta into my mouth. More for me than. “Seriously Tiff, how can you eat that?”

          “Hey! Don’t diss the cheese!” I said, pointing my fork at him. “Bleu cheese is really good!”

          “Not really,” he said rolling his eyes. I stuck my tongue out at him and ate more of my pasta.

          “You don’t see me criticizing your food,” I grumbled.

          “That’s because my pasta is actually good,” he said smirking. I rolled my eyes.

          “Just eat your food Payne,” I groaned.

          Liam was really cute throughout the whole dinner. After we got an acceptable waiter who was really nice, we all ordered our food and we were just making small talk. Liam would just talk to me about random things and make me laugh. His smile never left his face again, and I felt happy that I was making him happy too. His smile was adorable.

          “Would you guys like dessert?” Tom, our new waiter, asked as we finished our pasta.

          “Yes!” Harry and Louis cheered. We all chuckled at their childishness.

          “What would you guys like?” I looked at the menu and grimaced. It all looked so good! I wanted the Crème Brule, but I also wanted the chocolate lava cake. I don’t know which to pick!

          “How about we each get something, and we can share?” Liam asked quietly. I grinned at him.

          “Sounds like a perfect plan.”

          “What do you want then?”

          “I can’t decide between the Brule and the lava cake!”

          “One Crème Brule, and one lava cake please,” Liam asked politely. Tom smiled at him.

          “Sure thing!” He quickly took everybody else’s order, and in 10 minutes came back with all our desserts. He put the desserts in front of us, and I swear I saw heaven.

          “You look like Niall,” Liam chuckled. I looked at Niall, who was gazing at his dessert like he saw an angel. Niall caught my glance and we both grinned at each other. I shrugged.

          “What can I say? We love our food!” Liam laughed and scooped up a bit of the cake.

          “Here, open up!” he said, putting the fork in front of my mouth.

          “What is with you and feeding me?” I asked, not bothering to stop the smirk that was probably covering my face. He smirked back.

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