Chapter 70: Kidnapped

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*Niall’s POV*

          I looked away from the happy couple as we got to a small music studio. I couldn’t let my jealously show.

          “We’re going to be staying here for 3 days, ok?” Liam asked Tiffany. “But you’re probably going to be alone for most of it, since we have to work with the girls.”

          “It will be fine babe,” she said assuredly. “I’ll keep myself entertained.” We all quickly filed out of the car.

          “By keeping yourself entertained, that means no sharpies or cell phones, right?” Sharpies? Cell phones? What?

          “Fine, no sharpies or cell phones,” she grumbled. “Can I have paper then?”

          “Paper? Sure, I guess. What for?”

          “That’s for me to know, and you to find out!” She grinned. Liam chuckled again. I noticed he has been laughing a lot and letting go. She really made him happy. Liam looked at us.

          “You guys go to the music rooms and show the girls around. I’m going to find a spare room for Tiffany first.” I nodded at him and turned towards Molly, who was smiling at me.

          “Let’s go! I’m so excited! I can’t wait to sing!” she squealed.

“Wait! Niall!” A small hand grabbed my shoulder, and from the sparks I felt I knew instantly who it was. “You said you wanted to take me somewhere?” My heart filled with sadness again, and I quickly shook her off.

“Nah, it was nothing. It’s fine, you don’t need cheering up anyway,” I teased, trying to hide my hurt. Tiffany gave me a long look.

“Are you sure?”

“Of course he’s sure girl! He said so! Now let’s go!” Molly squealed. She took my arm and ran into the studio. I forced out a laugh and ran with her as the other guys ran after us. I led everybody to the 3 music rooms we would be using. I opened the door to the ‘A’ studio and ushered everybody in. Since Liam wasn’t here, Louis took over.

          “Ok, so each of you is going to get a music room. Molly, you can have this one. Rachel you can have ‘B’ and Stella ‘C’.” The girls nodded. “You guys will have a chance to practice all your songs and use whatever instruments you want,” Louis said, gesturing to all the instruments in the room. “We’ll be giving each of you one day each to practice our own songs with. Who wants to go first?”

          “Me!” Molly squeals. “I want to go first! Please please please please!?” All the boys chuckled.

          “Is that alright with you girls?” Zayn asks. Stella shrugs.

          “Sure, I don’t care.”

          “I don’t either,” Rachel murmurs.

          “Well then it’s settled. You guys can go to your rooms now. See ya guys later!” They quickly left the room. I turned towards the guys and gave them an apologetic look.

          “Actually guys, can I skip for a couple minutes? Like, 30 minutes max! I totally forgot I needed to be somewhere, but I swear it’ll only take a minute!”

          “Sure Niall, just be back here in 30 minutes!” Louis said. I nodded and quickly raced out of the building. Luckily the place was pretty close, otherwise I never would’ve made it.

I dodged past the trees into the empty field. It was one of the most beautiful sights I had ever seen. The stars were just coming out, and the moon glowed softly over the lake. Flowers littered the soft grass, and in the middle was a table set up for two, an unlit candle in the middle and glitter scattered around. A dark figure was sitting on one of the chairs, strumming a guitar. Her face turned towards mine, and I could see her smile slightly in the dark.

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