Chapter 53: Hated

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AN: Congrats sparklez_unicorn for guessing it right!! sort-of......she was technically the first one to guess it, so i dedicated the chapter to her. but on the other hand, AidaGutic actually guesssed her name....but i obviously couldn't dedicated the chapter to both XD so, SORRY AIDAGUTIC!!!

Shoutout also to emilykate99! I just loved her comment, and thought it was completely adorabubble! I don't know why...i'm weird like that XD She wants Tarry to get back together! Nawww!! I thought that was cute, but i'm not sure that's going to happen though. sorry! but trust me there will definitely be some tarry moments ;)

And for all you Tiall lovers, I lost a bet with moose326 XD So guess what? THERE'S GOING TO BE A WHOLE CHAPTER OF JUST TIALL FLUFF!!!! this doesn't mean that they'll get together, but it'll definitely be really cute and fluffy and stuff <3

ok, now onto the story! TO THE STORY AND BEYOND!!!


*Tiffany’s POV*

          “SARAH!!!!!!” We ran towards each other, colliding and falling to the ground as we hugged each other. I missed her so much that I didn’t care if everybody in the world was staring. She had missed a ton, and I needed someone to talk to. Like now.

          “I missed you so much,” I sobbed. She pulled back laughing, brushing the hair out of my face.

          “I missed you too Tiff, but you don’t need to cry!” I put a hand to my face, and I felt the wetness. I didn’t even realize I was crying.

          “But why are you here?”

          “I’m here to pick you up! Duh!” She twirled her car keys on her finger. Lucky duck. Then I registered her words, and frowned at her.

          “I thought my parents were coming.” She looked at me awkwardly, and played with the ends of her hair. A nervous habit she had.

          “They’re at another business meeting. They asked me to pick you up,” she admitted. Are you freaking kidding me? I’ve been gone for a week, and they don’t even have the decency to pick me up?!? But then again, at least they sent Sarah….I could’ve been forced to walk home.

          “Come on, let’s go home. You need to tell me everything!!!”

          “Wait! Tiffany!” Molly grabbed onto my sweatshirt, holding me back. “Look, let me explain. Sorry about my mom. She doesn’t really approve of my friends, because they’re not rich or famous or anything.” I grimaced- wow, thanks Madison. Nice to know how you think about me. “But I don’t care about those things- I never did. I really like you, and you are honestly the best friend I could have. I grew closer to you this week than anybody I ever had before. Can we still be friends?” She stared at me with pleading eyes, and I gave her a bright smile.

          “We’ll always be best friends. You were my only girlfriend on the trip, I’m not going to forget that! Here, give me your number!” I pulled out my sharpie and gave it to her. She quickly scrawled her number on my arm, the one not already covered in the boy’s numbers.

          “Do the same for me!” she squealed. She held out her hand and I wrote on her wrist. She giggled. “Hey, that tickles!”

          “Sorry,” I murmured. I quickly capped the pen and gave her a big hug. “I’m going to miss you Molls.” She flinched, and I made a mental note of it. She’d been doing this a lot, ever since I started calling her that. I wonder why?

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