Chapter 49: Club Characha

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*Tiffany’s POV*

          “Where is a club!?” I groaned. We had been walking around for at least half an hour, and we hadn’t found one 21 and under club. Not one! How is that possible?! My feet were going to kill me tomorrow.

          At least we were having fun. Just talking to everybody and joking around was actually really entertaining. So far, Niall and Harry had a sissy fight, and they were squealing like girls. Jennifer had fallen asleep standing up, and we didn’t even realize she was sleep walking until she crashed into a pole. It was hilarious! Stella had tripped on a pothole and fallen into a small pond, dragging her sister along, so now they were dripping wet. They kept jumping around and shaking, trying to splash us with droplets. Louis even had another Kitty Concussion! So cute!

          Suddenly, I heard a crack behind me, and I froze. “Did anybody hear that?”

          “I did,” Liam murmured. He stood in front of my protectively, looking around. Aw, he’s so sweet. There was another crack, and I saw a shadowy figure behind a tree. I stepped back as I saw the gleam of the figure’s eyes. The figure started walking towards us, and Liam stiffened as he caught sight of him. The figure got closer and closer. Everybody was now staring at the person, in fear.

          “RUN!!!” I screamed, grabbing Liam’s hand. We shot off in a random direction, like we were running the Olympics. I didn’t even feel the burn in my feet, my fear was too great. I ran like my life depended on it, and Liam ran next to me easily.

          “WAIT!!!!!!” I screeched to a stop, almost breaking one of my heels. I know that voice….     

          “JOSH!??!?! WHAT THE HELL!!!!” Everybody stopped running, and bent over, gasping for air. Josh ran up to his, breathing just as hard. He was still holding his camera on his shoulder, but the red light was off for once. “What the hell are you doing here?!”

          “Recording you! Or trying to! You know how hard it is to get a good picture when you guys are running from me, screaming like idiots?” he snapped.

          “Well excuse us! We thought you were some weird stalker or something! How did you even know we were going out?”

          “Duh, we watch the resort entrance, remember? Making sure crazy fans don’t try and stalk you guys. I just happened to be on duty tonight, so they sent me out here to record you guys, along with a few others. But they’re still hidden somewhere….I think.”

          “Fine. But don’t stalk us like that!” Liam snapped. He turned towards the group. “Is everybody ok?”

          “I think I’m going to die!” Louis gasped. “We hadn’t had that much exercise in a while!”

          “And we’re going nowhere! There’s no clubs anywhere!” Elizabeth cried out, rubbing her ankles. Josh perked up.

          “Clubs? Have you seen Club Characha?” We stared at him.

          “Uh….no….where is it?” Zayn asked.

          “It’s just 5 minutes from here, over there,” he said, pointing towards the sea. “It’s a really good club! And teens can go too!”

          “Well then, let’s go!” Niall cheered. We all walked quickly towards the sea, Josh pointing the way. Way before we saw the club, we could hear the booming music. By the time we reached the entrance I could feel the vibration of the bass through my feet. This was going to be awesome! We walked up to the guard who was standing at the door. This guy was huge! Like, bigger than Paul!

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