Chapter 15: Sleeping with Beauty and the Beast

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*Tiffany’s POV*

          “Welcome, to Aloha Resort!” I squealed, laughing at Liam as he waggled his eyebrows. I grabbed Molly’s hands and rushed in. The lobby was HUGE! It was a great, circular room, with a huge glass chandelier in the middle. A spiraling staircase made its way to the second floor. I ran around with Molly, laughing like an idiot. Liam cleared his throat.

          “We pretty much have the resort to ourselves. There might be a few guests here, but they won’t disturb us. Everything has been paid for- no need to bring your wallet or anything. Besides, we’re paying for everything.” The girls squealed, and I grimaced. I hated this feeling, like I had to pay them back. Though considering how big this resort was, I probably would die before I could even pay a quarter of what this cost.

          Molly giggled, and squeezed my hand. I rolled my eyes. I felt an arm sling around my waist and I looked up to see Harry grinning at me. I smiled back at him.

          “We’re all staying in the presidential suite. There are 15 of us, and 7 rooms available. Everybody will be pairing up, with 3 people in one room.  I have the room assignments here, along with the room keys. When you hear your name, come up with your group, get your key, and you can go unpack in your room!” Liam cleared his throat and pulled out a sheet of paper. He quickly looked up. “By the way- there is to be NO SWITCHING! No matter what! This is a time to get to know each other, not to stick with your friends.” He looked at the paper again, ignoring the girl’s complaints.

          “First room, number 1. Harry and Niall.” Harry and Niall grinned at each other, and clapped their hands together.

          “Number 2- Jennifer and Alyssa.”

          “Number 3- McKenzie and Bella.” We gasped as the twins shot each other fearful glances. They slowly peeled away, and Bella quietly walked over, grabbing the room key and running upstairs. McKenzie grumbled, grabbing her bags and running after her. Liam coughed.

          “Number 4- Louis and myself.”

          “Hey, why do I have to be with you?”

          “To make sure you stay out of trouble! Besides, you want to share a bathroom with Zayn?” Louis quickly shook his head while Zayn glared at Liam. The girls and I giggled.

          “Number 5- Molly and Stella!” My heart dropped. Molly sent me a sad glance, but squealed and ran over to Stella. Stella gave her a small smile, and gave her a hug.

          “Number 6- Sara and Elizabeth.” Oh god. I was going to faint.

          “Number 7- Zayn, Tiffany, and Rachel.” I froze, staring at Rachel. She gave me a small smirk, and walked over to Zayn, putting an arm over his shoulder. Zayn gave her a smile, and looked toward me. I couldn’t move, I just couldn’t. Rachel rolled her eyes and grabbed Zayn’s hand, pulling him away. He stumbled, looking at me worriedly. He glared at Niall and Harry, who quickly rushed on over.

          “What’s wrong love?” Niall said, hugging me tight. I just kept staring at Rachel, who was practically merging with Zayn. I giggled, but it sounded like I was going to have a seizure.

          “Don’t worry, we won’t let them hurt you,” Harry said soothingly, rubbing a hand on my back. “If she ever does something, just come over to our room. We’ll let you sleep with us. Or you could ask Zayn- he’ll protect you too.” I looked at their soft smiles, and I grinned.

          “Thanks guys. This means a lot.” I hugged them both tightly, and quickly pulled away. “Last one to the rooms is a rotten egg!” I quickly hoisted my suitcase on my shoulder and ran off.

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