Chapter 44: I'm Sorry

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[AN: So, nobody guessed correctly for my favorite bromance.....scratch that. Almost nobody guessed at all XD So no dedication this chapter, at least until somebody can guess correctly :P]

[AN: If you don't cry at this chapter, there's something wrong with you. Seriously.]

*Tiffany’s POV*

          I stared at the waitress, who was gaping at Harry. She was absolutely stunning, even wearing a wrinkled, stained waitress outfit. She had perfect black curls that curved around her heart-shaped face. Her skin was a flawless tan that reminded me of Zayn’s skin. She had crystal blue eyes that were even more clear than Niall’s. Her lips were full and slightly parted, enough so I could see her straight white teeth. She was skinny and tall, especially in her heels. She was gorgeous, like model gorgeous.

          “Camille….” Harry whispered. My heart gave a little pang. Who was she? “Is that you?”

          “Hi Harry,” she said quietly. Her voice was melodic, like she could burst out singing any moment. “It’s been a while, hasn’t it.”

          “About 2 years, give or take.” He was still gaping at her. “You’ve been here this whole time?”

          “Nah, I went to Canada for a while. I only moved here a couple months ago. I wanted to see the sun a bit.” She smiled, and she practically glowed. What the hell?! Was there a spotlight in this place?!

          “Well, you look good with it.” Harry smirked. I bit my lip nervously as Harry’s flirty side came out. Calm down girl, this is Harry Styles, he’s always flirty. I looked at him, and cleared my throat. He took a quick glance towards me, but kept his gaze on her.

          “Oh yeah. Camille, this is Tiffany. Tiffany, Camille.”

          “It’s nice to meet you,” I said, attempting to smile. She held her hand out and smiled.

          “It’s nice to meet you too. You’re so pretty!” Aw, she was nice! My smile became more genuine.

          “Thanks. You’re gorgeous.” She blushed.

          “You are, Camille.” Harry said. He was still gaping at her. Oh for gods sakes Harry, flies are going to fly in! I cleared my throat again.

          “Stalker much, Harry?” He glared at me, and Camille and I giggled.

          “Well, it was nice to see you again Harry,” she said, smiling. “It was nice to meet you too Tiffany. I hope you guys enjoy your meal!” Camille started walking away.

          “No!” Harry blurted out. Camille stopped, turning around slightly. Harry blushed. “I mean, you can stay with us, if you want.” Now I was the one gaping at Harry. This was supposed to be our date! Camille blushed again, but nodded slowly.

          “I’d like that. I haven’t talked to you in a while.” She slowly sat down next to him, but a good distance away. Harry smiled at her, his eyes glazing over slightly. I looked away, slightly hurt, and turned towards Camille.

          “So, how did you meet Harry?” I asked her.

          “We’re friends,” Harry said, interrupting Camille. Her eyes flashed, but she looked at him and nodded.

          “Yeah, we’re friends.” She smiled, but I could see the sadness in her eyes. “How do you know Harry?”

          “She’s one of the girls on the competition we’re having, Looking For You. Have you seen it?” Harry said, interrupting me. God Haz, let the girls speak! Camille gasped, looking at me.

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