Chapter 12: Comfy Pillows

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*Tiffany’s POV*

          The first thing I heard was whispering of outraged girls. I woke up, groaning.

          “Shut it!” I growled. I turned and cuddled into my pillow. My very warm pillow. My very hard, warm pillow that wrapped its arms around me. That should’ve been weird but I was still asleep.

          “Sssshhh!!! This is too cute! Someone take a picture!” I faintly heard the click of a camera. I winced as the flash hit my eyes. I reached up to rub my eyes.

          “Vas happenin?” My body lost warmth as the arms released me. I slowly opened my eyes, pushing down on the seat. I heard a grunt of pain, and I quickly turned around. A pair of beautiful, hazel eyes sparkled at mine. I couldn’t help but stare back. They were so beautiful……

          “You know, a picture would last longer.” I jerked away, sticking my tongue out at Zayn, who smirked at me. I looked down to realize what I had been laying on. Oh god, I was going to die before I even got off the plane.

          “Uh…..well….I hope this doesn’t bring any awkward moments between us…”

          “You mean besides this one?” he chuckled, and wrapped his arms around me again. “Don’t worry, you were very light, and comfortable.” I laughed quietly. Too tired to care, I snuggled into his chest.

          “Aawwwww!! They are so cute!” I flashed a finger in the general direction.

          “Ooooohhh she so dissed you!”

          “Shut up Niall!” I giggled, and wrapped my arms around his chest.

          “Excuse me?” I grumbled, not bothering to open my eyes. “EXCUSE ME!” Zayn moved underneath me, making me sit up. I groaned, reluctantly opening my eyes. Rachel glared at me, but plastered on a smile towards Zayn.

          “If you don’t mind, can I borrow her for a moment? You know, girl stuff.” Oh god, the slut! I swear, she practically touched herself in front of him. I looked toward Zayn, and rolled my eyes. Course, Zayn was totally oblivious. He just smiled at me. “Well? Are you coming?”

          “Hey, it’s alright. You can go. Just come back soon, kay?” He winked at me. I rolled my eyes, but sat up slowly, yawning widely. I quickly closed my mouth as I saw another flash. I glared at Niall, who was smirking at me, holding up a camera.

          “Attractive in the morning, aren’t we? Oh wait…I guess it’s the afternoon now………” I rolled my eyes, snapping my seatbelt off. I quickly followed Rachel, taking note of the smirks the other girls gave me. I followed her to the back of the plane, and she shoved me into the bathroom. She quickly followed me, closing and locking the door.

          The bathroom was really tiny- like, I was practically pressed against her. If I wasn’t so worried, I would’ve laughed at the grimaces she made trying not to touch me.

          “Look, slut.” I sighed, and pulled my hat lower over my head. “Don’t you dare hide now! You couldn’t have done it earlier, when you were sleeping with Zayn?” I rolled my eyes.

          “You make it sound like I had sex with him or something” She snorted, rolling her eyes.

          “HA! Like he would ever let you do that! Look at you, fat and ugly as you are.” I just rolled my eyes. I had heard this way too many times. It didn’t even affect me anymore. I mean, yeah it hurt at the beginning, but only because I wasn’t sure what to expect. At least now I knew.

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