Chapter 24: Care Bear Stare!!

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[AN: I MADE A HUGE MISTAKE!!!!! FOR FIRST TIME READERS, PLEASE DO NOT READ THIS CHAPTER YET!!!!! I ACCIDENTELY SKIPPED A CHAPTER!!!!! I AM SORRY!!!! YOU NEED TO READ CHAPTER 23 FIRST, BECAUSE IT'S A BIG CHAPTER!!!!!!!!!! Please go to 'Chapter 23: The Two Liams', which should be right after 'Chapter 47: Whipped ;)'. Please read that chapter first before continuing with this one!!!!! Otherwise I swear, you won't get anything at all. Like, really. Thank you :) ]






*Zayn’s POV*

          “NOT MY FAULT! IT’S MY PANDA’S!” I turned to see Josh chasing the couple, Tiffany piggy-backing on Harry’s back. They were both laughing, while Josh was red-faced and angry. I raised my arm off of Rachel’s shoulder and waved at them.

          “Vas happenin guys!? Slow down!” Tiffany looked toward us and waved.

          “Hey guys! Late too?” I stared at her.

          “Late? Dude, we have 30 minutes until we have to be there. Calm down.” Tiffany glared at Josh, who had just caught up to them.

          “YOU SAID WE HAD 5 MINUTES!!!” she screeched, and Harry flinched. Josh glared back.

          “It was just a joke…not that I regret it now.” Tiffany grimaced.

          “Be lucky you’re holding expensive equipment. Otherwise I would’ve flipped you over my shoulder.” I barked out a laugh.

          “You? Throw anybody? You’re one of the shortest people here!” Molly’s eyes widened, and she shook her head toward mine in warning. Too late.

          “What….did you say?” Tiffany growled, her eyes gleaming in mischief. Molly pulled on Rachel’s arm, and they backed away quickly. I took a step back.

          “What? I was just telling the truth,” I said, flinching. I had my reputation to uphold. I heard Molly’s breath hitch.

          “You did NOT just say that,” she whispered. “You’re going to get it now.”

          “Damn straight!” Tiffany said, jumping off Harry’s back. She stalked toward me, stopping an inch in front of me. I felt a twinge of fear, until I saw how short she was. She barely made my shoulder! I laughed, pushing her back a little.

          “Please, you’re so small I could probably pick you up with one hand!” I teased, waving her off. She cocked an eyebrow.

          “Oh, you did not just say that.” She said. Suddenly, she turned around, grabbing my arm. She hoisted me onto her back, and I was flying forward. I crashed onto the ground, my head barely a millimeter from the hard floor. She twisted my arm that she was still holding, and planted her foot on my chest. I could hear the girl’s gasps, and the boy’s whistles.

          “So, what were you saying?” She said cockily. I tried to say something, but I still couldn’t breathe. “That’s what I thought.” Molly squealed and ran up to her, giving her a high five. They laughed, wrapping an arm around the other’s shoulder.

          “Where did you learn how to do that?!” Harry said, impressed. She smirked at him.

          “I took Judo classes when I was younger. Got pretty good at it too.” I glared at her from the ground.

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