Chapter 82: This Kiss Is Something I Can't Resist

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*Tiffany’s POV*

          “Welcome back to Looking For You!” Ceci turned to Molly. “So, how do you feel about the song?”

          “I think I did great! I feel like I really complimented the boy’s voices nicely.” Sure, if you count singing everything complimenting.

          “Who decided the composition of the song?”

          “We all did, of course. The guys were really happy about how it turned out.” I caught sight of all the guy’s incredulous faces, and I snickered. Molly sent me a dirty look.

          “How do you think voting went for you this round. You think you did better than Tiffany?”

          “Hopefully. I know people like my song much better though,” she said, giving me a sly glance. What she meant was, yes she totally thinks so.

          “How about you Tiffany? How do you think you did?”

          “I think I did ok,” I said truthfully. “I know the guys really helped me along with the song.” I glared at Zayn and Niall. “Even if they were trying to make me laugh the whole time.”

          “Sorry, couldn’t help it,” Niall said cheekily.

          “And the composition?”

          “I decided on the solo part. I didn’t want to take any of their solos to be perfectly honest- I would’ve been happy just singing the harmony. But they insisted, so I just took the solo from the person that sung the most, which in this case was Liam,” I said shrugging. “But we all liked the part at the end though, with the harmony.”

          “Well, I think you sounded amazing,” Ceci said. “Do you think that you won the round again?”

          “Well, I know what Molly said was right- people like her song better than I do.” I shrugged and gave Molly a quick glance. “So she’ll probably win this round. But ‘Truly Madly Deeply’ is honestly one of my favorite songs that the boys sang, so I don’t regret anything.”

          “Well, let’s check the results for this round!” We looked at the screen again, and watched impatiently for the bar to fill. The bars were actually pretty even this time, almost 50-50. But……

          “Wow Tiffany, another win for you!” Ceci crowed. The crowd cheered, and Molly gave me a forced smile. I shook my head humbly.

          “I have no idea how that happened honestly. I expected Molly to win this one.” I barked out a laugh. “Actually, I didn’t even expect to win the last one. Or any of them.”

          “You’re being modest,” Ceci said, patting my knee.

          “Gotta get more votes,” I joked. Ceci put her hand on her earbud.

          “Looks, like we have a couple more minutes, how about some questions?” Ceci had a smirk on her face. “Tiffany…how about you tell us about your relationship with Liam?” I gaped at her a bit.

          “Uh…what is there to tell?” I said vaguely. She laughed.

          “Don’t give me that! I bet there’s a lot of juicy little secrets. Actually…..why don’t we talk to your boyfriend too? Come on over here Liam!” There were screams of girls from the crowd as Liam slowly got up and walked over to me. Molly, under Ceci’s instructions, went to go sit with the boys in Liam’s vacated chair….not that she really minded. I could see her giggling and flirting with Niall, and I had to roll my eyes. Liam sat down in Molly’s seat, and I instantly gravitated towards him, leaning on his chest. In response, Liam wrapped his arm around my waist.

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