Chapter 47: Whipped ;)

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[AN: Shoutout to Dmts214 and moose326, cuz I loved their little chant party XD]

*Zayn’s POV*

          I watched as Niall trudged back into the room, looking at the floor with his hands in his pockets. The room grew still as we watched him walk towards Harry. He stopped a few feet from him, and sighed.

          “I forgive you Harry. And I’m sorry I was so stubborn.” Dang, Tiff did good work! Harry beamed at Niall and opened his arms. Niall tried to resist, but he eventually ran into his arms. Louis and I cooed.

          “I missed you Ni,” Harry murmured.

          “I missed you too Hazza.” Niall pulled back and stuck his tongue out at Louis and me. “There, satisfied?”

          “Immensely,” I said, relieved. We were all happy again, the way it was supposed to be. Even if Harry and Tiffany weren’t dating anymore, they still cared for each other, just as much as they cared for the rest of us.

          “I’m bored!” Louis cried out. He eyed Harry, grinning evilly.

          “OH TIFFANY!” he screamed, making us flinch. “COME HERE PLEASE!” Tiffany walked out after a few seconds, holding onto Liam’s hand. I couldn’t help but laugh at them. It looked so weird! Tiffany was barely taller than Liam’s waist! Ok, that was an exaggeration, but you get the idea. She looked like a child holding onto her father’s hand.

          “What Louis?” she sighed. Louis jumped up and down excitedly.

          “Help me! I’m going to straighten Harry’s hair!” Harry’s eyes widened, and he jerked away from Louis.

          “What? Hell no! Nobody straightens my curls!” Louis pouted.

          “But Harry, it would be fun! Please?”


          “Pretty please? With the pussy cats on top?”



          “Please Harry?”

          “Alright.” I gasped at Harry’s immediate answer, and Tiffany swore. Louis started to jump for joy.

          “I WIN THE BET!!!!!”

          “Damn it,” Tiffany muttered. I stared at them, confused.

          “Uh, anybody want to tell me what’s going on?”

          “Tiffany and I had a bet going on,” Louis said, waggling his eyebrows.

          “Thanks Captain Obvious,” I said sarcastically. “But what was the bet about?”

          “Whether you would do whatever I asked you guys to do,” Tiffany muttered.

          “Because she has you guys whipped!” Louis smirked, pretending to crack a whip. I gaped at him, along with the other guys.

          “We are not whipped!” we yelled simultaneously. Louis rolled his eyes.

          “Clearly, you do whatever you want her to.”

          ‘Well that’s…that’s only because….” Liam sputtered.

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