Chapter 9: I'm Going to Faint

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*Tiffany’s POV*

          I stood there, in front of the Space Needle. It made me feel even smaller then I already was, and that’s saying something. Girls cluttered together in groups, chatting excitedly while they scurried inside. I hunched over even more, tugging my hoodie onto my hat. I was so scared. I was literally frightened. It was hard enough hiding from all the girls. I wasn’t sure how they were going to react when they found it was me. Would they be happy for me? Would they hate me? And what about the other winners? Would they be nice? Or were they mean? I grimaced, looking at my outfit.

At least I was prepared. I was wearing some black baggy jeans, with a black Epic Meal Time hoodie. My hair was pulled into a low bun so I could put my Epic Meal Time hat over, covering my face. The hoodie helped a lot- nobody could see me. Mwahahahaha. And yes, I have a thing for Epic Meal Time. I mean, who couldn’t? They made the most epic food ever! They were ginormous! I always wonder if they eat the whole thing in one day, or if they had leftovers…..Plus, Muscles Glasses was really hot.

          “Hey, are you alright man?” I hunched over, so glad they couldn’t recognize me. I looked up slightly, not enough for her to see my face. Crap- I recognized her. “My name is Molly Quirkle. Are you ok? You seem lost….are you trying to find the restroom?” I shook my head slowly.

 “Ok…are you looking for a friend? Maybe your girlfriend?” She thought I was a boy? I snorted. Well, I guess I did kindof dress up like one…….

She looked at me weirdly. “Ok…..well, I gotta go now. I’m going to be late. I hope you don’t eat some moldy cheese!” Hehe, moldy cheese…wait what? She winked at me, and walked away. Omg she was actually shaking her butt. She probably thought she looked sexy. With those stiletto heels, she looked like the leaning tower of Pisa. I giggled quietly, and then sighed. It was time to face the music….literally.

          I pulled my lone suitcase along, just staring at my high-tops. I quickly ran into the elevator and closed the door before any girls could come in with me. I relaxed a bit- it took at least 5 minutes for the elevator to get the top, especially after a day like this. I shook my hair and fixed my hat. No need for anybody to recognize me just yet.

Too soon, the doors opened, and all I could hear and see were screaming girls. I winced, and turned on my iPod. Thank you Lord for this….I got to stop being Christian. Pressing shuffle, I waited for the song to come on, and when the beat hit my ears I snorted. Wow, it must be psychic. I hummed along quietly to “Live While We’re Young,” making sure nobody could hear me.

          I slid across the walls, making sure to keep my head down. I could practically feel all the stares aimed at me. Where was I supposed to go? Suddenly, the screams got louder.

          “Omg is it her?” “Omg I can’t believe I’m seeing her!” “Omg omg omg!” I winced, sure they had found out. I looked up slightly and sighed in relief. It was another contestant. She walked in, her blonde hair waving around. She smiled at the crowd, giving them a little wave. Rachel DeMattio. She really was as pretty as in her picture. Lucky duck. I looked as she walked toward the end of the room that was labeled “Contestants”. Oh. Probably should’ve seen that sooner. But I didn’t want to be noticed yet!

          I slowly made my way toward the designated area, but stood just behind the velvet ropes. I shrank into the corner, and stared at the stage area. It seemed like everybody was there already. I could see the Redfern sisters sitting together, talking quietly. Everybody else was clumped in the middle of the stage, yelling and giggling to everybody else. They seemed to get along just fine. But I knew better. I could see the sly glances they shot at the other contestants, checking them out. They were trying to see the competition. I snorted- figures. They all pretty much looked the same. All wearing heels, their hair straightened or curled, wearing tight yoga pants and low cut tops. I swear, their faces were practically caked in makeup…..and they looked good doing it. Damn! Why couldn’t I look that good in makeup! I never looked pretty in my life.

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