Chapter 92: I'm Coming Home

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*Tiffany's POV*

"Tiffany?" The door opened to show a ecstatic Alex. "Tiffany, there you are! Come on, we found the boys! And we have a surprise for you!" he said, winking at me. He ran out before I could speak. Where in the world were the boys? I had totally forgotten about them, but now I felt myself get worried even though they were already found. They just left us hanging!

I ran out of the bathroom to the stage, where Ceci was just announcing the end of commercials. I ignored everybody except for the 5 boys who were grinning at the crowd. I ran towards the tallest one and jumped onto his back, making him almost fall off the stage.

"Where were you guys? I was so worried!" I cried. I nuzzled my face into Liam's neck. Liam chuckled at me.

"Sorry gorgeous, we had some business to take care of."

"So important you couldn't have told anyone?" I grumbled.

"Do you want to find out?" Zayn asked, giving me a knowing grin. All the boys smirked at me, and I pouted at them.

"Of course I do! Tell me! Please?" I begged.

"We have a surprise for our two finalists from our boys! We have special guests for each of you!" I gave Molly a questioning look as I fell off of Liam. She looked just as confused as I did.

"First, for Molly!" Two people walked on stage, and Molly gasped in surprise.

"Mom! Dad!" She started to run towards them, but Madison gave her a stern look. Molly flinched and instantly slowed to a smooth walk. She walked up to her mom and gave her a small hug, one that Madison returned. Molly turned to her dad and did the same. "I missed you guys."

"We missed you too sweetheart," Molly's dad said. Even with his words, I could see the insincerity in his eyes, and the fake smile that he gave her. He was just as dressed up as Molly and Madison were, wearing a tight pressed suit and dress shoes. It reminded me of my mom and dad, and I chuckled. I wonder if they knew each other.

"And now, for Tiffany." Are my parents coming? I looked at Liam, and I could see the sadness in his eyes. He gave me a small shake of his head, and my heart fell. Of course my parents weren't coming. They didn't care about me, especially not now. But then who else was coming? Everybody I knew was here.

A small girl wearing a white dress ran on stage, her brown hair flying behind her. I gasped, my hands flying up to cover my mouth.

"Angel!" I cried. I ran over to the smiling girl and picked her up, swinging her around. The crowd cooed, and Angel giggled cutely.

"Hi Tiffany!" She smiled toothily, and I could see one of her front teeth missing. So cute!

"You lost your tooth!" I exclaimed. Her eyes brightened.

"I lost it a week ago. A new tooth is already there, see?" she said, pointing to the small white nub that was coming out of her gums. I nodded vigorously at her.

"I see Angel! Did you save your tooth for the tooth fairy!"

"Uh huh!" she said, nodding. "I tried to stay up to see the tooth fairy, but I fell asleep." She looked sad for a moment before perking up. "But I got a quarter! Look!" She opened her palm and I saw the shining coin. "I saved it for you," she said shyly. The crowd cooed again.

"Aw, Angel! You're so nice! Thank you! But you should keep it, that's a gift from the tooth fairy!" I pulled her onto my hip and walked back to the boys. Angel squirmed in my arms as her hands reached out towards the boys.

"Harry! Zayn!" she squealed. Harry instantly ran up and took Angel from my arms.

"Hi Angel," he cooed. "I missed you!"

"I missed you too Harry!" she said, hugging him. "I missed you a whole lots! Like this much!" she said, spreading her arms out wide. She was so cute!

"Hey, what about me?" Zayn said teasingly. Angel's eyes went wide.

"I missed you too Zaynie! A whole lots too!" I knew Zayn was whipped when he didn't even flinch at the nickname. Angel gave Zayn a big hug, still in Harry's arms. I laughed at his reluctance to let her go, and I gently took her from his arms.

"Want to meet the other guys?" I asked. She nodded quickly.

"I want to meet Niall!" she squealed. I laughed as I walked over to Niall.

"Hey Niall, looks like you have a little fan here!"

"Hi cutie, I've heard so much about you!" Niall said, giving Angel a gentle hug. She giggled.

"Your voice is funny." Niall looked hurt, until Angel continued. "I like it."

"Thanks love," Niall said, grinning widely. She patted his head, smooshing his locks.

"Why don't you dye it again?" she asked. Niall shrugged, ruffling his brown locks.

"I want to try it natural," he said. The blond in his hair was only on the very tips, still noticeable but the brown was definitely more prominent. Niall always looked good with blond hair, but for some reason his brown hair made his face more innocent. I think I liked it better like that.

I turned Angel towards Louis, who was jumping slightly.

"Angel, this is Lou. Lou, Angel."

"You're so cute!" he squealed as he took Angel from my arms. He tossed Angle gently into the air, and she squealed.

"Higher! Higher!" she squealed. Lou chuckled and pushed Angel's hair out of her face.

"Sorry love, we don't want you to get hurt now do we?" See, Louis is responsible! Louis gave Angel a small Eskimo kiss before handing her back to me. I turned towards my gorgeous boyfriend, my heart fluttering as he smiled at me.

"Angel, this is Liam." Angel's face suddenly became serious.

"He's your boyfriend, right?" I reached out my free hand and took Liam's, enjoying the sparks that flew between our touch.

"Yup, he's all mine." I said happily. She squirmed suddenly.

"Put me down." Surprised, I took my hand out of Liam's and gently put her down. She walked up to Liam and tugged on his shirt. He knelt down so his eyes met hers.

"Hi Angel, nice to meet you. You're even more cute in person." Normally, Angel would have smiled and giggled at that. But instead her face was serious.

"What are your intentions with Tiffany?" Liam looked at her shocked, and I snickered. Holy crap, Liam was getting the talk! From a little girl! Wait, how old was Angel anyway?

"What do you mean?" Liam asked, confused. Angel crossed her arms, her lips pouting slightly.

"Why are you dating Tiffany? Are you going to break her heart?" Despite Angel's serious expression, I couldn't hold back my laughter. I turned to Louis, who was standing next to me, and buried my face into his chest. My body shook with laughter, and I could feel his body do the same. This was too funny! I tried to keep my laughter to a minimum, for Angel's sakes, but this was way too funny. I seriously hope I could get a copy of this from the video camera.

"No! Of course not!" Liam said, shocked. "I would never break her heart! I love her. She's the most important thing to me." I blushed at his words. Thank god my face was hidden right now!

"Are you sure," Angel asked slowly, sounding uncertain. Liam nodded confidently.

"I'm sure. I would never do anything to hurt Tiffany. Or at least, nothing intentional. I love her too much to do that." Liam turned to me and pulled me away from Louis, holding my hands gently. "I love you Tiffany."

"I love you too Liam," I said, smiling at him. I jumped and wrapped my legs around his waist. As if he knew, he instantly let go of my hands and wrapped his arms around my waist. This probably wasn't appropriate for national television, but how else could I kiss him? Which is exactly what I planned to do. I pressed my lips against his, moaning quietly at his soft lips. Angel laughed happily as Liam kissed me back, making small circles on my thighs with his thumbs.

"You're my favorite Liam," Angel cried out. Liam pulled away from me and smirked at Angel.

"Really? Why?"

"Because you're Tiffany's favorite!" Liam waggled his eyebrows at me.

"Am I?" he asked teasingly. I pretended to think about it, cupping my hand under my chin.

"Hm.....maybe...but you have some stiff competition." He rolled his eyes.

"Please, like they're any match for me."

"Hey! I take offense to that!" Niall cried. We laughed along with the audience. Liam put me down, and my eyes caught Molly and her family. They were standing awkwardly to the side, smiling comically at the audience and cameras. I swear, it looked like they were doing a commercial for toothpaste or something.

"We have another guest for you Tiffany!" Ceci cried. I smiled expectantly at the side, and another girl walked on stage. Her shoulder length brown hair swung loosely around her neck, and she smirked at me.

"Hey Tiff."

"ALISSA!!!" I cried. I ran to her quickly, colliding with her as my arms wrapped around her neck. She laughed as she hugged me tightly. I could feel another pair of arms around us, and I smiled at Sarah.

"Hey Sarah, here to join the fun?"

"I'm not letting my two best friends have a moment without me!" she sniffed. I laughed and looked back at Alissa.

"God Lissy, you haven't changed a bit!"

"Neither have you," she said, gesturing to my clothes. I shrugged.

"What can I say? I'm a lazy bum."

"I know," she smirked. Her grin grew softer as she looked at me. "I missed you a lot."

"I missed you too," I admitted. Even though Sarah had been there for me the whole time, she was more like a party friend. Alissa was the person I could truly spill my guts to, about everything. She knew all my secrets, and she's never told anyone once. I could trust her with anything, even stuff about my parents. I really needed her these past few weeks. I grabbed her hand and pulled her over to the guys, giving Sarah a look to go back to her seat. "Come on, let's go meet my friends!" Alissa calmly walked on stage, not even flinching as the cameras focused on her. But then again, she's probably used to seeing cameras.

"Guys, this is my best friend Alissa! Alissa, this is Harry, Zayn, Niall, Liam, and Louis!"

"Hi!" the guys chorused, smiling politely at Alissa. Alissa gave them a small wave.

"Waddup?" she said. I smirked at her nonchalant tone. Harry walked forward and held out a hand.

"It's nice to see a new face here. Especially one that's so beautiful." Harry gave her a wink and a cheeky grin. Alissa didn't look fazed at all, but she never did.

"Thanks.......Louis?" she said uncertainly. I burst out in laughter at Harry's shocked expression.

"Oh, did I forget to mention?" I chortled. "She's not a Directioner. At all." The boys looked awkwardly at Alissa, who shrugged.

"Sorry, not a boyband person."

"But you must know who we are!" Louis protested. Alissa and I scoffed.

"Conceited much? Jinx! Double Jinx! Triple Jinx! Quadruple Jinx!" we yelled together. The boys looked at us weirdly as I gave Alissa smirk and put my elbow on her shoulder.

"Aw, babe, we're in sync! It just proves we were made for each other!"

"Of course we are, you're my true love Tiff. I would never leave you."

"These past few weeks have been torture without you. 2 weeks without seeing your beautiful hazel eyes." The boys looked shocked at our banter, and we burst out laughing.

"You should see your faces!" I gasped, pointing at their incredulous expressions.

"Um, is there something you want to tell us?" Niall asked slowly. I shrugged at him.

"Not really. Alissa and I just flirt a lot, no big deal."

"So...are you guys bi or something then?" Harry asked. Alissa and I burst into another round of laughter.

"Hell no!" she chuckled. "We're as straight as a pole! It's just friendly flirting, that's all. Get used to it," she said, sticking her tongue out at them. They looked at her uncertainly. I rolled my eyes and groaned at them.

"Just get over it guys." I smirked at Alissa. "So, who do you think is who?" She looked at the boys nervously.

"Well, I know you aren't Louis then. So I think you're.....Liam." Liam and Harry looked affronted, and I bit my lip to hold in my giggles. She turned to Liam. "You must be Louis then." She turned to Louis. "I think you're Zayn. And you're Harry," she said, pointing at Zayn. She smiled at Niall. "And you're Niall."

"Score!" Niall crowed.

"How come she knows Niall's name!" Louis whined, pouting innocently. Alissa looked at me, surprised.

"I got their names wrong?"

"Yup, all of them!" I chuckled. "Except Niall. How do you know Niall?"

"I always remember the cute ones," she said, winking at Niall. Niall blushed, and I felt an uncomfortable stirring in my stomach. Why the hell was I feeling so weird? Must be getting a stomach ache or something.

"Thanks Alissa. You're cute too," Niall said, smiling at Alissa. The weird feeling in my stomach grew, and I looked away. Remind me not to eat breakfast before big days.

"So, are you implying that we're not good looking?" Zayn asked teasingly, pretending to be hurt. Alissa shrugged.

"I guess, you guys just aren't my type."

"So your type is blond, lovable Irish boys?" Harry asked, waggling his eyebrows.

"I guess so," Alissa said, giving Niall a look. Ok, now I felt like my stomach was going to explode. Stop the madness! Please!

"As entertaining as this is, we still have a show to continue!" Ceci said. Oh thank god, the weird feelings went away. "It's time to interview the guests! Please take your seats!"


Hey everybody :) 3 more chapters....... :'(

You guys know the drill :P Can we end this book off with a bang?!?! :D

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