Chapter 23: The Two Liams

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*Harry’s POV*

Tiffany snuggled into me, making a cute sound from the back of her throat.

          “What do you want to talk about?” she said, tracing circles on my thigh. I shrugged.

          “I don’t know. Tell me anything about you.” Tiffany shrugged.

          “I can’t think of anything interesting to say. Why don’t we just ask each other questions?” I grinned.

          “That’s a good plan. You go first!” I said excitedly. I really wanted to know about her. She was so different from all the other girls.

          “Ok. But just to warn you, my preferences change really fast. Like, next week everything will probably be different.” She warned me. I chuckled.

          “I think I can keep up,” I said, grinning at her.

          “Cheeky boy, aren’t we?”

          “Always.” She rolled her eyes.

          “Anways…um….what’s your favorite color?” I smirked at her.

          “What, nothing more interesting?” She smacked my chest.

          “Well sorry! Not my fault if I want to know the little things too!”

          “Now you’re the one quoting our songs.” She rolled her eyes.

          “Shut up and answer the question.” I pulled her closer, smirking.

          “Well, since you asked so nicely, I guess my favorites are orange and blue.” Tiffany made a face, and I chuckled. “What?”

          “Nothing really. I don’t really mind orange…or blue….just not together.” I raised an eyebrow.

          “Care to explain?” She rolled her eyes.

          “You’re going to think I’m childish, but whatever. Anyway, my whole school life I have been switching schools a lot. I’ve been too….” She counted on her fingers. “8 schools? Yeah that’s right. Anyway, when I was in middle school…uh..I don’t know how to say that in British terms.” I couldn’t help but laugh.

          “Don’t worry princess. I know what you mean. Niall is obsessed about Americans.” Tiffany turned toward me.

          “One….princess? Really? And two- Niall? Really?” I rolled my eyes.

          “Yes, really. You are a princess, inside and out.” She blushed. “As for Niall, I can’t really explain it. He just does.”

          “That’s kind of weird…and cool. At the same time, if that’s possible. Plus, confession time. When I’m at home, I actually wear a fake crown I bought,” she said sheepishly, her face turning pink. I cooed, and hugged her tightly. I pulled her onto my lap and rested my chin on her shoulder.

          “That has to be one of the most adorable things I have ever heard. I want to see you in a crown one day!” She stuck out her tongue at me.

          “Fine,” she retorted, and I chuckled.

          “Anyway, what’s your favorite color?” She thought for a bit.

          “Well, like I said, it changes. But I’m going to have to say….emerald green? At least right now.” I chuckled.

          “Why that color?” She blushed, looking into my eyes.

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