Chapter 55: Phone Numbers

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*Liam’s POV*

          “Hey, not fair!” I whined. Louis barked out a laugh.

          “Too bad, life ain’t fair.”

          “But that’s cheating!!” Zayn yelled.

          “So? What are you going to do about it?” challenged Harry. He jerked the wheel to the right hard, making his car crash into Zayn’s, and we both yelled.

          “Cheaters! Niall, do something!” I yelled, looking pleadingly at Niall, who was talking quietly on the phone with someone. After he was done texting Tiffany, he immediately made a call, and he wouldn’t tell anybody who it was, or what he was doing. He spared me a glance.

          “Did the boys do something? I’m sorry, I didn’t see it.”

          “Niall! Stop helping Larry over there! They’re cheating!”

          “Sheesh Liam, calm down. It’s just a video game.” I growled in annoyance. After Tiffany had hung up, and I managed to finally pull Niall off of Zayn, we had decided to play ‘Need for Speed: Most Wanted’. Zayn and I were against Harry and Louis, with Niall being the supposed judge. Although he wasn’t doing a very good job- he was too distracted on his phone. Harry and Louis kept trying to distract us by throwing pillows in our faces and ganging up their cars on ours, making us crash.

          “Thank you so much! I’ll see you later!” Niall clicked his phone off and slid onto the couch next to me.

          “What was that about?” I asked.

          “Nothing of your concern,” he said vaguely. I gave him a quick look before concentrating back on the screen.

          “Come on man, you can tell me! I thought we always told each other everything!” I pouted, and he chuckled.

          “It’s just a surprise for Tiffany. You know, to make her feel better.”

          “Awww somebody’s got a crush!” Louis squealed, jerking his wheel again to crash into my car. Niall blushed and glared at Louis, and I got a little bubble of jealousy.

          “I do not!” he hissed, his glare still on Louis.

          “I’m kidding,” Louis snickered. “Calm down leprechaun. So what’s this surprise for Tiff then?”

          “You’ll just have to wait and see,” he said smugly. “I can’t wait for her to see it! I already set everything up! It’s going to be perfect!”

          “Sure, tell us everything except what it actually is,” Zayn snorted. “At least tell us when you’re going to do it?”

          “Um….probably on Friday? After the Space Needle thing?” Oh right, we were going to see her Friday! Hm……..

          Suddenly, Harry’s phone rang and he instantly paused the game. He picked up his phone and stared at the screen.

          “Is it Tiff?” I asked. He grimaced.

          “No…it’s an unknown number.” He hesitantly picked up the phone, putting it on speaker. “Hello?”

          “Is this Harry Styles?” An unfamiliar girl’s voice filled the room.

          “Uh….who is this?”

          “Oh my god, you are Harry Styles! I LOVE YOU! MARRY ME!” she screamed, and we flinched. She hung up. Harry just stared at his phone, and Zayn laughed.

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