Chapter 94: The End?.....

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*Tiffany’s POV*

          I could see the crowd cheering wildly, but I couldn’t hear them. All I could hear the sound of heart beat slowing to practically a stop. My breath came in small gasps as I tried to keep breathing. That’s it then, they chose her. She won. I looked at Molly to see her gaping at the crowd, just as shocked as I was. But I saw the victorious look in her eyes.

I slowly turned around to gape at the boys. They were all smiling at me, and I felt my anger flare up. They think this is good for me? That I should be happy about this? The only reason that I had hope was that I thought they liked me. But without this, I’m done. I have nowhere to go now, because Molly will force them away. My boyfriend is going to leave me, and all my friends. I’ll have no one.

I felt my tears come to my eyes, and I quickly squeezed my shoulder. I hissed at the pain, but it helped to keep my tears in. The boy’s gazes turned worried as they noticed my actions, but I didn’t care. They obviously didn’t like me as much as they said, seeing as they didn’t choose me.

Then I heard Molly run over to hug the guys. They all surrounded her and gave her a big hug. I bit my lip harshly, feeling the copper taste spread throughout my mouth. Liam instantly rushed over. He brushed his thumb over my lips. His mouth moved slowly, but I couldn’t hear him. I was in shock.

“Tiffany? You ok?” Liam shook me, clearing my head. I shook my head slightly. He frowned at me. I stepped backward, pulling myself out of his grip. “Tiffany? What’s wrong?”

“You know what’s wrong,” I whispered. I didn’t care if I sounded weak right now. Everything was just too much for me right now.

“No, I really don’t. What’s wrong? Please tell me,” he begged. I looked at the ground.

“I thought you liked me.” Liam looked horrified at my words.

“What? Of course I like you! I love you! I loved you more than any person I’ve met before! Why are you saying this?”

“Then why did you choose her?” He gave me a weird look.

“What are you talking about?” I just shook my head and pointed at Molly, who was grinning widely at the boys. The boys were giving her small smiles, and it almost broke my heart.

“Thank you guys so much for choosing me! You guys won’t regret it!” she squealed, the voice ringing through the microphone in the boy’s hands. The whole room went silent. Then, the audience burst out laughing. Molly looked at them confused. I could feel my face mirror hers.

“What? Did I say something weird?” The boys looked at Molly, confused.

“Uh yeah. We didn’t choose you.” Molly and I gaped at the boys.

“WHAT?!” she screeched. “But… said my name!”

“Yeah…for the second place winner.” Molly looked at Liam incredulously.

“Who says the second place winner first?!” she screeched.

“Uh, I do,” Louis said, raising his hand. “Saying the winner first is so overrated. Weren’t you girls paying attention?” Molly just stood there, gaping at him. Liam looked at me, and smiled slightly.

“Why would we not choose you? You’re everything to us. You’re the winner Tiff.” I covered my mouth with my hands, taking a couple steps back. I felt my head shake back and forth, and this time I didn’t stop the tears from flowing. They chose me. Liam looked at me worriedly again. “Tiffany? What’s wrong now?”

I flung myself at him and hugged him tightly. “Nothing is wrong,” I whispered. “Everything is perfect.” I smashed my lips against his, and he quickly responded. I was so happy. They chose me, me! The freak, the weirdo, the girl who was nothing. They chose me.

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