Chapter 69: Love <3

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[AN: hehe....69 XD I'm so immature. Ok, no end author's note today, rushing to update before I go to my cabin...where there is probably no wifi. So just know, sorry for grammar mistakes, 7 more questions for character ask, please follow, vote, comment, yadda yadda I will update on either Monday or Tuesday, so yeah! LOVE YA'LL!]

*Liam’s POV*

          I looked sadly at my girlfriend who was smiling up at us. Even though she looked happy, I could see the hurt and pain in her eyes. I really wished we had picked her. But the hat didn’t like that, apparently. Even so, if I could only go back in time. I knew that by now the guys were regretting their decision. They wanted Tiffany to go on too.

          “Thank you so much!” Molly cried out. She hugged each of us tightly. “This is seriously a dream come true!”

          “This really is,” Stella said quietly. She smiled at all of us. “Thanks.”

          “But….what happened to Tiffany?” Rachel said, looking at the gorgeous girl. I gave Rachel a sad smile.

          “It just wasn’t right at the time.” She looked at me, confused, but let it go. I walked down to Tiffany, who was still smiling at me. Her grin grew as she noticed me.

          “Congratulations!” she squealed, hugging me tight. “Those girls are amazing, you guys are so lucky!” I looked at her closely.

          “Then why are you sad?” I murmured, brushing a finger across her cheek.

          “Sad? Psh, I’m not sad,” she scoffed. But I could still see pain in her eyes.

          “I know you better than that gorgeous. You’re hurting. Why?” She sighed.

          “I don’t know,” she muttered, and from her eyes I knew she was telling the truth. “I honestly wasn’t surprised when I found out that you guys picked those three. I never thought that I’d be picked. But for some reason………………” I gave her a hug.

          “I think that deep down, you wanted to be picked,” I whispered. She hugged me tightly.

          “Maybe,” she admitted. I gave her a sympathetic smile.

          “Well let me say this, Zayn and I wanted you to go on so badly it hurt.” Tiffany glanced at the boys.

          “And the others?”

          “They liked you too, honestly. But with you being mad at them….they didn’t know if you would accept their apology, and they didn’t want to have a band member who hated them. So we ended up picking names from a hat,” I admitted. She gave me a small chuckle.

          “That’s how you guys solve serious problems? Picking names out of a hat?”

          “Either that or rock-paper-scissors,” I said blushing. She laughed again, brightening up her whole face.

          “Honestly Liam, it’s fine. I just wasn’t meant to be in your group. It’s fine. As long as you’ll still be my boyfriend, yeah?” I looked at her, shocked.

          “Of course I’ll still be your boyfriend! I didn’t learn that song for nothing,” I joked. “I’ll always love you, no matter what,” I said seriously. I hugged her tightly.

          “I love you too Liam,” she said, wrapping her arms around my waist. She turned towards the boys and cupped her hands around her mouth. “You guys better still be my friends!” she yelled. The boys grinned at her and ran towards us.

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