Chapter 58: The Truth?

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*Harry’s POV*

          “Boys! Come on, we gotta watch the second day!” I called out, running to my room. It was the room we had started watching our show on, since Liam and Zayn were both in the movie room. I really missed them…but don’t tell Louis that.

          “Coming! Hold on!” Niall ran in, his mouth full of chewed up food. I grimaced.

          “Dude, you could at least swallow.” He rolled his eyes and gulped.

          “Well fine then, I guess you don’t get your popcorn!” He pulled out a bag of popcorn from behind his back, the smell wafting throughout the room. My mouth instantly watered. I fell to my knees.

          “Please forgive me Niall, I’m sorry!” He looked at me triumphantly.

          “Well……since you asked so nicely.” He threw the bag at my face, and pulled another one out behind him. “Where’s Louis?”

          “I’m here!” Louis said, jogging in. He sat on my lap, making me grunt. He reached for the remote, turning it on.  

          It started out like the usual- the theme song, Ceci being all perky and whatever, ranting about girl drama. Then came the best part- the videos. I smiled, thinking about what was going to show up.

          Niall and I chuckled as we saw ourselves wake up practically next to each other. We looked pretty ridiculous! Then Niall, the one on the television, left the room, and I flinched. I sent an apologetic look at Niall, the one in the room, but all he did was shrug.

          “Hey, it’s in the past. No big deal.” But even as we watched my little cozy scene with Tiffany, I could see Niall’s gaze get stony. I felt bad for Niall, but I couldn’t help but smile when watching the show. It was really fun dating Tiffany. Honestly, at the time I had never wanted to let her go. She really was perfect….but my heart had to be stupid.

          The amusement park was really fun. Along with seeing my date with Tiffany, I got to see what the other guys did! Zayn looked like he was having fun….most of the time. Sometimes the other girls got awkward with him, but Molly was always there to save him.

Liam just went around looking at the scenery, while being stared at by Alyssa and McKenzie.

Louis went on practically every ride, even the merry go round. And of course, the twins seemed to be having just as much fun.

Niall just went to every stand trying to compare all the food. We all busted a gut from seeing Elizabeth and Jennifer follow him around like a little puppy. Downstairs, I could hear Zayn and Liam laughing too. Wonder what they were thinking?

*Liam’s POV*

          “Dude….Liam…..chill man.” I glanced at him.

          “Uh, what am I doing?”

          “Uh, how about making jelly eyes as on-screen Harry for the past ten minutes? When you weren’t making googly eyes at Tiffany?” I snapped away from the screen.

          “Jelly? Googly? Since when did you talk like her?”

          “Well how did you even notice I was talking like her,” Zayn said, sticking my tongue out at him. I grimaced.

          “Sorry dude. Can’t help it!”

          “I know,” he sighed. “Just keep in mind she’s my sister mate. It’s awkward!” I rolled my eyes

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