Chapter 71: The Chosen....Two?

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Ok, this chapter will have a LITTLE bit of smut, but it's not like, full on smut so hold your horses! I don't think this will turn the story R-rated, but just as a warning...I PROMISE IT'S NOT BAD! But if you dont' want to read it, just skip the part after the *****


*Tiffany’s POV*

          “Wait, what?” I yelled. Stella was gone? Oh my god what happened to her? Was she kidnapped? Why was Liam so happy?

          “She’s fine,” Harry assured me. “Nothing bad happened to her. She’s just gone.” I looked at him confused.

          “Uh…ok? Explain please,” Molly asked. Louis frowned at the ground sadly and scuffed his shoe against the ground.

          “She just left this in her studio.” He pulled out a small piece of paper out of his pocket, and Molly grabbed for it. I looked over her shoulder and read the little letter.

          Dear Louis,

          I’m sorry I’m leaving without a notice. But I knew if I said good-bye, I’d end up crying. I don’t want to see you cry either, so I decided this was for the best. I can’t do this competition anymore. Being a star would have been amazing, but only with my sister. I always knew that only one of us would be chosen, and that even if we were separated we’d always be close. But being without her was like part of my own heart was missing. This is getting really sappy, isn’t it? Oh well. All I’m saying is, I’m leaving to go back to my family. I miss them too much. But know that I love you Louis, and I’ll miss you. Call me and Bella, ok? Oh, and tell the guys that I’ll miss them too. Don’t scare the carrots! ;)

          Love, Stella <3

          “Aw…that’s actually really sweet,” I said. Louis choked out a sob.

          “She was like a sister to me…they both were,” he muttered. Harry gave him a hug.

          “It will be ok Boobear! She’s fine, you can always see her!”

          “I know,” Louis said sheepishly. “But I still miss them.”

          “I know,” Harry murmured. He rubbed Louis’ back. “But they’ll always be there.” Louis gave him a shaky smile.

          “Thanks Hazza.” They gave each other a big hug, and I couldn’t help but let out a little giggle.

          “Larry Stylinson,” Zayn coughed. I laughed louder as they glared at him. Zayn started whistling innocently.

          “So wait…that means that……” Molly said slowly, looking at me. I stepped back.

          “Uh….why are you staring at me?” I touched my face. “Do I have something on my face?” Liam grinned at me and picked me up in a big bear hug that knocked the wind out of me. “Babe, can’t breathe!” I choked out.

          “Don’t you see Tiffany? You’re in the competition now!” he cheered loudly. I froze in his arms. Wait……….what?

          “What?” I asked quietly. He pulled back and looked at me. He held me up with one arm while his other hand brushed my bangs out of my face.

          “You’re in the competition now gorgeous,” he whispered. “You could be part of the band.” I gaped at him, shocked. This was seriously….I don’t even know. I wasn’t expecting at ALL to be in the competition! Like seriously, I-I-I-I don’t even know anymore!

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