Chapter 13: Dirty Direction

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*Niall’s POV*

          “What’s your problem?!” I hissed. Zayn sauntered over, as cocky as ever. He did look at me worriedly though. I felt a twinge of guilt, but my anger kept it at bay.

          “Are you ok Niall?” He whispered, putting a hand on my shoulder. I shook it off.

          “What are you playing at?!” Zayn’s eyebrows shot up.

          “Uh, what are you talking about?” I rolled my eyes.

          “You know what I’m talking about! Don’t play with me!” Zayn’s eyebrows furrowed.

          “Are you talking about…..Tiffany?”

          “Yes, I’m talking about Tiffany!” I exclaimed. Zayn relaxed, chuckling at me.

          “Relax Niall, I’m not making a move on her or anything. Chill out man. I don’t like her like that. I mean, I only met her a couple hours ago. Besides, I care for her, but only like a friend. Trust me.” I relaxed, releasing the breathe I didn’t even know I was holding.

          “Does little Nialler have a crush?” Zayn cooed. I hit his shoulder.

          “Shut it Zayn. And no I don’t. I just care about her, like you do.” He smirked at me.

          “Suuuuuuuure,” he said, unconvincingly. He grabbed my arm and pulled me toward our seats. “Then what do you say to that?” He said, pointing at his seat. I gasped when I saw Tiffany cuddling up to Harry, both asleep. Zayn chuckled. “She couldn’t have waited for me?” I could feel my face growing redder by the moment, but eventually I sighed.

          “I just care for her as a friend.” Zayn rolled his eyes. “Besides, she can get with Harry if she wants! He bloody better not hurt her thought!” He chuckled.

          “You definitely sound like a big brother,” he laughed.

          “Ssssshhh…….I’m sleeping,” Tiffany grumbled, and cuddled her head into Harry’s neck. I giggled.

          “No offense Zayn, but they look cuter together.” He stuck his tongue out at me.

          “Whatever. At least I’m still hotter than him.” He said, wiggling his booty a little. I laughed, and slapped his butt. “Ooh, want some Ziall, do ya?” I rolled my eyes.

          “Your drunk- go home!”

          “You drink way more than I ever do!” I shrugged. What can I say? I love my alcohol! Giggling, I pulled out my camera, and took a picture of the happy “couple”. I felt my heart squeeze as the flash went off. Harry grumbled, wincing as the light hit him. He tightened his grip around her, and pulled her closer. I frowned, but I shook it off. This was nothing, it didn’t mean anything. I was just protective of her. I mean, I know Harry has a reputation for a flirt, but honestly he’s a really nice guy when it comes to girls he cares about.

          I heard a gasp, and turned around to see Sara gaping at Harry and Tiffany. I looked at her curiously- she shook her head and smiled at me.

          “Aw, they are so cute together!” I frowned at her. I could tell she was laying it on really thick. She quickly turned around and ran to the others, talking quickly and pointing toward their direction. I sat down and pretended to read a book, but I secretly kept watch of the girls. They talked for a bit, and then glared at Tiffany and Harry. I frowned at my book. While they were facing each other, I put the book down and slowly made my way toward them, catching snippets of their conversation.

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