Chaos I

713 33 4

It's 12 am. Shivi stuffs her mouth with some chips and keeps checking her phone. Still no notification, no message. She starts prowling in her room. It's been 2 hours since she posted her engagement pictures on social media. No new notification! And It's been 1 hour since he sent those pictures to Akshay. Still, no reply!! This is killing her. At one point she starts gulping down the cola. She checks her inbox again. Akshay has seen the pictures. Still, no reply!! Thousands of thoughts are crushing her down. Did he really move on? So quickly? Shivi feels anger, frustration, and an urge to tear everything down but most of all she feels this soul-crushing pain. Did he really move on? So quickly?

On the other side, at Sood house there's a big commotion. Akshay aka Akki is roaming like a puppy behind his strict Pri di, begging to have his phone back. 

Priya- "No means no, Akki. There's no way you're gonna get that back."

Akki- "Please, Pri di. Try to understand me. Shivi still loves me. She wants me to do something. That's why she sent those pictures. Shivi will never hurt me, Di. She just wants me to be the man and take some action."

Priya- "Oye filmy hero, be the man and take an action somewhere else, where it matters. You have an audition in a few days. Go and prepare for that. Leave this love shits behind."

Akki- "Di, you aren't realizing. I can't concentrate on anything else right now. Shivi must have started stress eating by now. She needs me di. At least one reply. I really love her, di & she loves me too. Please."

Priya- "Excuse me, don't try to be Romeo, okay? There's nothing called love. Love can be sold, just like we sell cupcakes. And If you had really loved her this wouldn't happen. Both of you'd fight for love. But as it doesn't exist, here you are." 

Akki couldn't convince his sister for giving him his phone back. Priya had seen him staring at Shivi's engagement pictures. So, snatched the phone from him, locked it away, and kept the keys with her. 

Akki knows there is only a little he can do now. It's Pri di. Nobody can win against Pri di. But he can. So, he'll have to use the ultimate weapon. 

Akki- "Di?"

Priya- "What?"

Akki- "What if I end things today? I'll just tell her to never call me again and to be happy in her married life?"

Priya- "That will be the most sensible thing to do. But you are not gonna do that, are you?"

Akki- "I am going to do exactly what I've said, you'll see. Please, give my phone back."

Priya decides to give him his phone back. Priya then says, "Show me that you are writing what you've just said."

Akki takes the phone and texts back shivi, "All the best wishes for your marriage. Do forgive me and forget me."

Priya becomes satisfied and goes back to her room. 

Back in Kapoor mansion, Shivi reads the text. She suddenly gets a sinking feeling in her heart. She starts welling up. She can't believe Akki said that. She loves him. She never had any intention to marry Sid. She just wanted to make Akki jealous. So that he forgets his promise to himself about marrying off her sister before his marriage and takes Shivi from there. 

But her plan failed and it failed terribly. Now she'll have to marry that Sid. In no way she could marry that Sid. She starts to have a panic attack. She feels sick, she feels like puking. What should she do now? She could think of only one person- Ram bhai. She should tell him. Without any further ado, she runs towards Ram's room. Ram Kapoor, her Ram vai, her biggest supporter....

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