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"Mr. Kapoor, are you free after lunch? I've something to discuss with you."

"Yes. Of course. Let's meet at the coffee shop."

 Priya was about to text a no. But she stops. and texts. "Ok."

They meet at the same coffee shop where they once fought. They sit in the same corner.

Priya- Is this your favorite spot? 

Ram- Yes, I often come here. This spot is so come and quiet. And you can see almost everyone in the shop from here. So many people, so many emotions, and so many stories to see. I love to look at people and hear their stories. 

Priya listens to Ram attentively. She tries to understand this man whom she can't judge by the general male standards she has always believed in. 

Ram- You wanted to discuss about-

Priya- The wedding. 

Ram- Uh. What about it? 

Priya- Mr. Kapoor, I come from a middle-class family and you know maa just had a stroke. 

Ram- Yes, of course. Is there any problem? 

Priya- No. Not a problem. I wanted to say, I want a small wedding. An intimate one with friends and families only. Also, maa wants to arrange everything as per her ability. So, we won't be able to arrange a lavish wedding. I hope you understand. 

Ram- I don't have a problem with it. And I won't even offer any economical help. Because I know you wouldn't like that. But if you need any other help please let me know. 

Priya- Ok. We've looked into some halls and found one. But it is a bit far from here. Will that cause any trouble? 

Ram- Not at all. Mein car pe sabko urake leke ajaunga. 

Priya laughs a bit. 

Ram- Do you know Priya, only you laugh at my jokes. 

Priya- They are so bad but I don't know why I still laugh. 

Ram- Probably that's why you accepted this proposal. 

Ram takes a sip from his coffee. 

Ram- Are you sure that you don't want anything? 

Priya- Yeah... Achha, barati me kitne log ayenge? 

Ram- Umm... That'd be... Ek second. Let me call Adi. I need to ask him. I don't know actually. 

Priya- Ok, you can inform me later. 

Ram- Ok. By the way, do you have a limit? You can tell me that. 

Priya- Around 70 to 80 people would be better. 

Ram- Ok. I'll bring less than this. I'll bring 50. 

Priya- But you must have people you want to invite to your wedding. 

Ram- It's okay. For business partners, acquaintances, and distant relatives we can arrange a reception party later. But I'll arrange that. In my house. I mean in our house. 

Ram and Priya discussed many other things about their wedding. An hour passed by in discussion, Ram's bad joke, and Priya's lecture. 

Ram thinks to himself, "This is nice. I'm going to have a friend by my side for the rest of my life."

Ram returned home early in the evening. Shubhu was going somewhere in hurry. He clashes with Ram. A file drops from his hand. Ram picks up the file. 

Ram- Where are you going in such a hurry, Shubhu? 

Shubhu- I... I have some work. 

Ram- What is this? 

Ram takes a look at the papers before Shubhu snatches them from his hand. 

Shubhu- That's mine. I'm going. 

Shubhu proceeds to leave the house but Ram stops him. 

Ram- Shubhu, stop. May I know why Priya's name is there? 

Shubhu stops and faces Ram. He says nothing. 

Ram- May I know why is Priya's name written in those? 

Shubhu- Vai, you are too naive and innocent. I'm doing this for you. To save you. 

Ram- To save me from whom? 

Shubhu- From that Sood family, vai. You don't know these middle-class families, vai. They are gold diggers. 

Ram- Shubhu, don't. Don't say that. Don't you ever forget our father belonged to a middle-class family too. We shouldn't insult them like this. 

Nandini- What happened here? Ram, why is he shouting? 

Shubhu- I'm shouting because vai isn't trying to understand mom.

Ram- What is there that you are trying to make me understand? And what are those papers? 

Shubhu- This is a prenup. 

Ram- A prenup? 

Shubhu- Yes, so that we can protect our family from the Sood's planning and plotting. 

Ram- What are you saying, Shubhu? They are not such people. I know them. 

Shubhu- Come on, vai. We all know how soft and naive you are. You won't even understand when they will start to milk you like a cash cow. 

Ram- Shubhu...

Nandini- Ram, I know Shubhu shouldn't talk like this. His word choice is... But he's got a point. What if the Soods are after your wealth? 

Ram- Mom, you too!

Nandini- We don't know them that well yet, na? Also, underestimating Meera Sood won't be a smart move. She raised her children all alone. Definitely, she is an intelligent woman. 

Ram- Intelligent but not cunning. I know them well. I've seen them closely when Meera maa was in a coma. Mom, if they were after my wealth they'd already start taking it. On several occasions, I've offered them economic help. But they never accepted it. And mom, you are a single mom too. You've raised us all by yourself. How can you say such things about Meera maa? And Shubhu, I know I am soft and naive, but you should know I run the Kapoor business empire. I can read people better than you. 

Shubhu- But vai. 

Ram- No Shubhu, I won't listen to another word about it. I won't insult them like this. This union was proposed by mom. Priya had already rejected it once. It is I and Shivi who persuaded her. She is going to be my wife. A part of my family. And you know Shubhu, I don't let anyone insult my family. 

Ram walks towards Shubhu and places his hand on his head.

Ram- Tell me, have I ever let anyone insult you, mom or Shivi? 

Shubhu nods in a no. 

Ram- It is going to be the same for Priya. She's family now. 

Saying this Ram takes the prenup from Shubhu's hand, tears the paper, and calls Tarun to discard it. 

Ram- Let's not think about this. I've always protected my family and I always will. You don't need to worry about it. 

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